We have two ribbons we keep on our computers for this little game - one says "winner" and the other says "participant." When one of us guesses correctly, they get the winner ribbon on their computer and the other has to put up the participant one. These stay up the whole week. To make matters worse, there's a picture of Sanjaya taped on the participant ribbon.
Today I got the participant ribbon in the blogger brawl. If I'm being honest, I'm kind of relieved! The whole competition was sort of stressing me out. Plus, many variables led me to believe that I wasn't going to make it much further. Having to make it through four rounds was a bit much. So, phew.
Through the competition I felt so loved by friends and family! Thanks for your support. Now you can support me in other ways though, so don't worry. I don't want you to feel like there's a hole in your life. If you need ideas, I'm here to help.
Ideas for ways to support Elizabeth, by Elizabeth Downie
1. Cookies are a good place to start
2. Every time you see me, tell me how good my hair looks
3. Make me a mixed CD full of the most embarrassing music possible
And so many more! But really, thanks for voting for me and being my friends. You guys are the best!
I voted for you! I'm sorry you didn't win. His entry was boring in my opinion.
Does the blogger brawl participant ribbon have a picture of Sanjaya on it too?
Wow, that's shocking! Your writing rocks!
I"m pretty shockered too! I was sure you had that young kid beat out! However, he's unidimensional (from the one post anyway) whereas you are multi-dimensional, and I can see how some people probably have a hard time handling that.
I love your hair though! It always looks so great!
Wow. I cannot believe he won. I'm honestly shocked. Yours was so much better!
And your hair is awesome!
I love you and your hair! :D
Thanks guys - I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to fish for compliments (well, I was but only about my hair). ha!
Booooooo! That stinks. You're sooooo much better than that chucklehead. Ugh.
BUT, at least we lucky hundreds (soon to be thousands) still get to read your well-written, intelligent, witty, clever, thoughtful/thought-provoking, funny, slightly sarcastic, way better blog and don't have to read that other guy's stuff anymore. You're the best! I'll send you a blue ribbon with William Hung's picture on it and some cookies very soon.
Here's my offer for support: Would you like me to become bff's with the person who assigns the checking around here? On karaoke and line dancing night, I could convince her to tell me what her method is. You could be the second check guess champion.
That might be a relief to you, but must admit its a bit of a disappointment to me. Was looking forward to have another thing to read that should your whit and charm. Well, at least from what I can take from your skillful writing.
The "Word Verification" for making a comment is freaking hilarious. Almost never is it a word. Right now it has me spelling nersest. I just ran it through a 100 language dictionary and nothing. I think it sounds like I could give it a great definition though.
Hey, your hair looks great! You need to post a new pic though so I can see the new color better. :)
Sometimes the best don't win, but you'll always be the winner to me. Besides you are one of the funniest and best writers I've ever read!
Yours was better. And less sexist. So there.
When does Mysogeny win? Oh, I guess ALWAYS. You should've won.
It wasn't really a blog contest. If I took both blogs out in the street and asked 10 strangers to vote. You would have won 10-0. This was a who can hustle the most votes, contest. He won. He Probably went to a bigger high school. I read them both, I know the real winner......Uncle Eric
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