Luckily, when my generous friend Christi moved away this winter, she gave me her bike. It's been great this week to get back out there. The only problem is that due to the fact that my helmet has been hanging out in the garage all winter, I'm afraid it might be full of spiders and I haven't been wearing it. This is risky for two reasons: 1) potential head injuries, and 2) greater risk of being recognized while huffing and puffing up hills around town. "Hey, I think I saw you out on your bike yesterday! You looked really winded and your face was purple!"
Speaking of hills, I've been realizing once again that what seems like a tiny insignificant incline while driving is actually the height of a mountain when riding your bike. I took the same route tonight that I took earlier this week, but this time I did it backwards, hoping to avoid the steep climbs I faced the first time. What I forgot was that hills rise on both sides, not just one. I feel like I might be a little late in learning that lesson, but better late than never, right?

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Be prepared to hear about many more biking adventures to come...
It's exciting that it's getting warm enough to ride bikes again! Just be careful- I've heard that the occurrences of bike/deer collisions are suddenly on the rise.
I really can't believe that you have been riding without your helmet. Have I taught you nothing?! ;) Also, did you really ride that route backwards?? I didn't think that was possible on a bike! Did you have to switch the chain around so it would pedal backwards? It's a good thing you don't have an old-school bike where the brakes worked when you tried to pedal backwards. :)
Oh Katherine. Taking things too literally as usual. ;)
I remember riding in a DOWNPOUR one afternoon last year, and of course the handlebars...never saw anything like that before, and it was pretty classic!! :) By the way, since you are riding again, you'll have to join me on my bi-weekly bike riding triathlon workouts! :)
Lol i love reading your blog! Kat I kinda had to think about the backwards thing..it must be getting late.............
it's not just the old school bikes kat.Paiges new princess 2 wheeler does that. brakes if you try to ride backwards.
also, i got a trailor for the kids to sit in, we should come out a bike with you sometime
yay for biking and all the goofy moments that come with it. I especially enjoyed the compare and contrast pictures at the end of your post. I have a biking story of my own. It may have something to do with me, clip in pedals, and a suped-up ford excursion. oh the joy.
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