Try saying in a crowded room, "I hate Macs." and see what happens. You will undoubtedly hear gasps and maybe even choking. "I looooove my Mac!" "I can't live without my Mac!" "My Mac once saved my life!"
Some of you Mac people are getting mad right now, aren't you? I can feel it. "Is she mocking Mac users? Does she not know about all the features!?"
Well calm down, I'm not mocking you (just teasing in a loving way). I'm just trying to make a point that this is a very sensitive subject. And that if you love it so much, maybe you should marry it. I'm just saying.
I've been thinking about buying a lap top recently, and so have several of my friends at work which is why this has been a discussion. Justin and Ann are Mac owners and Kathy and I got to teasing them a bit. The tension in the room was palpable.
In teasing about Mac users, I'm not saying I'm definitely going to get a PC (although I just might). I'm just saying that Mac users amuse me with their passion and love of Macs. I don't see this passion as much in PC users. I recently got stuck between two Mac owners at a dinner party and once they found out about each others Macs, it was over. "Did you see this feature?" "Oh, I love that one! What about this one?" "We should get our Macs together for a party!" "Do you just love it as much as I do?"And on and on.
Don't be mad at me, my Mac loving friends. I have nothing against Macs! I have used them, and I think they're good computers. I just enjoy the passion I see in Mac users. Do you have one?
don't worry...I don't ever see myself obsessively discussing my Mac at dinner parties, although there might be some initial bragging (I'll try to make it as subtle as possible).
I think it would be pretty funny if I took over for the Mac guy and Kathy took over for the PC guy in those commercials. Or maybe Ann can be the Mac guy.
I think you're smug enough to qualify for that role in the commercial Justin. (Kidding)
Mac people do seem to be in love with their apple products. I wonder if Apple is running subliminal messages on the screen? That's why you always see Mac people in a trance gazing into the computer while clutching their iphone.
I almost bought a Mac recently, mostly to see if it really was as good as people say. But then I didn't want to spend very much money, so that idea fell through. Now I'm spreading the word that I'm a PC guy who would possibly convert to a Mac guy if I just had one. I'm hoping a pro-Mac person will give me one for free in order to convert me.
Once you go Mac, you'll NEVER go back.
There is clearly only one way to settle this: a sumo suit wrestling match. I volunteer to represent team Mac.
And after the Mac-PC debate is settled, we can move on to more important matches such as Backstreet v. NSYNC and Coke V. Pepsi.
I have actually been trying to get a law passed that will allow me to marry my electronics, specifically my Mac. They are more faithful and dependable than boys, and warmer. I figure as soon as this Prop 8 thing blows over marriage between human and electronic is inevitable.
I agree with Jessica all the way. I'd like to marry... my HP. My bad. I am so not the cool college student I thought I was. Right now I'm having the Zune vs. Ipod debate.
I have both a PC (my personal compy) and a Mac (work lappy), and no offense to Macs, but ppptthhhhh!! Kidding! (Sort of.) The Mac is ok, but I do very much like my PC (I'm not ready to marry any electronics). It's like an old, reliable friend!
So I say: PC, *Nsync, and Pepsi.
I second PC, Nsync and Pepsi. :) Using my first computer at The University of Michigan as a student, I was destined to be a Mac user. When I was there, there were very few pc's in any of the computer centers. I don't hate Macs though, just don't prefer them. I love those commercials though. They're the only ones I'll go back to see on the DVR!
My Mac saved my life, that is funny stuff. I agree, people get so excited about these things, honestly, i could not tell the difference if not for the half eaten piece of fruit. But then again this is coming from a kid who has owned an I-Pod for years, and still has not figured out how to load his own music on it. Maybe it will save my life, who knows.
mac me mac.... woo hoo! You pc users have NO idea! lol
I'm a PC kinda gal.
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