Even though it's a different kind of debate tonight, it's still a debate and to celebrate, I thought it would be fun to decorate sugar cookies with themes from the election (one of them is pictured above). I gave one to my friend Justin today at work to eat during the debate tonight, but the cookie didn't make it through the work day (not that I blame him, I had one for breakfast). He said that it did make him feel more patriotic though. Hopefully he'll think of that cookie during the debate tonight.
If the cookie isn't enough to make the debate more exciting, I have another idea: I'm going to count how many times the words "fundamental," "maverick," and "economy" are said tonight. All right, time to concentrate. Enjoy the debate, friends! (Or "my friends" as McCain said about 100 times tonight.)
It's 9:40, the debate is almost half over, and things are already out of control...can't these guys keep it to the 1 minute discussion rule established by both parties? I mean, give Tom a break! He's doing his best! This debate could end up pretty crazy..."What will future me remember about this debate tonight?" I ask myself. And I answer myself, "Man, those cookies were good."
You should also count how many times "my friends" is said. It's kind of getting on my nerves.
Yeah, I just added that to the end of my post. It's getting on my nerves too. Maybe if I felt he meant it more ;)
Oh my, you are so funny, my friends. I love the political cookies. I'll have to remember that for the next debate. But I think my favorite part was the use of the word "cronyism". Classic.
I particularly loved when Tom asked who they had in mind for treasury secretary and McCain replied "Not you, Tom". AWKWARD! I think I heard a few crickets chirping in the audience. I really wish I had saved my cookie for that moment.
Or when McCain joked about needing hair plugs, which I guess was a joke on Biden and NObody laughed. It was so awkward. I definitely ate a bite of cookie at that moment.
Those cookies are amazing! You could sell them. I heard after the last debate that there was Palin and Binden bingo floating around the internet. I forgot to look up if there was Obama and McCain bingo for last night. It would have been fun. It definitely should have had "my friends" on the board.
I'll admit that debate cookies may have made my debate watching a little more productive. Instead of watching, I really listened on the radio while I played Zelda on my wii. Trust me, my friends, fighting spiders is more engaging that listening to the moderator remind them about the rules.
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