This week, a coworker brought in a big tray of Jelly Bellys and to my great surprise, the popcorn flavored ones were the first to go! What?! This makes no sense to me.
Am I the only person out there who doesn't like this flavor? And why do the people who like it feel so passionately about it?
This isn't the first time I've seen this kind of food passion though and all the emotions that go with it. But really, I shouldn't be too judgmental about these popcorn Jelly Belly lovers, because I too have questioned friendships over food tastes. It happened in high school when I found out a so-called friend of mine didn't like pizza (pizza!!). I remember looking at him like I was seeing him for the first time. I think my response was something like, "Have you tried different pizza restaurants? Have you tried thin crust? What about deep dish!? Have you tried it with pepperoni? What about plain? Do you not like cheese!? I don't understand!!"
Why do we take it so personally when our friends don't like the same foods as us? Just today at work, Kathy said to me in a shocked voice, "Elizabeth, did you know that Justin doesn't like Milky Ways!?" But it was turned around on her later when Justin and I expressed our shock at her love of black licorice. We're still friends, but I think things are strained. ;) If you have any similar experiences, I'd love to hear them.
I used to LOVE the popcorn flavored jelly beans, and then just one day I realized they were totally gross. I think it was a sign of maturity.
I'm with ya on this one Elizabeth:) Just something about opcorn flavored candy that is just wrong!
I'm with Brandy-I used to love the buttered popcorn jelly bellys (bellies?) when they first came out, but my tastes have changed. I've lost friends over food differences. I mean, who wants to be friends with someone doesn't crave buffalo jerky bi-annually? Not me.
I always like to eat just one buttered popcorn jelly belly. The flavor intrigues me, but enough so that it doesn't take a repeat.
I had a friend who didn't like lemonade! Lemonade! Who doesn't like lemonade, I mean seriously.
I dislike all Jelly Bellys. In fact, I dislike any type of Jellybean. They are totally nast! But bring on the Salt and Vinegar chips, pork grinds, beef jerky, and funyuns (to name a few). There - hopefully that provides enough material for people to love and/or hate me.
Ewww, I'm with you on the popcorn-flavored jelly bellys. Nasty and unnatural.
Yeah, I agree with Emmy on the Jellybean thing. They are nast. But I don't like any of that other stuff she eats. The smell alone, when she is eating all of that, is enough to make me sick. She used to eat large bowls of plain, raw broccoli. Something's not right in her upper story.
in defense of the popcorn flavor jelly belly... some people probably don't like getting teh kernels stuck in their teeth. and for them this is a satiating alternative! i'm just saying. but yeah, i can be pretty picky about foods (i don't like berries - strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, etc), bananas, ok i don't like MOST fruit. But it baffles me when I find people even pickier than me. I mean, I've met people who don't like CHOCOLATE. and they're not like allergic or anything. and i swear, it's just... WRONG. anyway. yadda yadda yadda. :)
Justin and I discussed it, and we both feel that if you can't make room in your heart for buttered popcorn Jelly Bellies, it's best if you resign from MR. The tension in the air is getting to everyone in the building.
I think that goes for you too Kathy. I'm still baffled, and hurt, by your love for black licorice. That has to be the worst flavor in the entire universe. Even worse than orangesicle yogurt!!
P.S. I despise all soda pop and I can only handle chocolate in small amounts.
You know what Justin, that hurts. I'm sick of your backstabbing ways. Your one to talk with your granola eating ways. And really, who doesn't like "soda pop"? It's like I never knew the guy sitting right next to me every day.
Wait, I should resign because I don't like popcorn jelly bellys? Maybe JUSTIN should resign and focus on his #1 priority, which of course is being a member of the Jonas Brothers. And Kathy, I'm sorry but your love of NKOTB is bordering on obsession and it's becoming uncomfortable for everyone in the office when you sing along with them on PANDORA (don't even get me started on Pandora).
Joey and I are meant to be. Someday he'll hear me singing, and it'll touch his heart. I know you're bummed about not getting tickets to Hannah Montana, but don't take it out on me.
It's not so much not being able to go to the concert that hurts, it's more being told I'm too old to be an extra on her show. Sad.
But isn't that you all the way to the right?
Elizabeth you're just jealous of my skinny jeans and v-neck tshirts. Both of you should be so lucky to be a lead singer of such a great band. It won't be too long before NKOTB and Hannah Montana will be opening for us..
Justin.... where to begin... First of all, you need to grow your hair out a few inches (based on our extensive research of the Jonas Brothers last week), then you have to choices: flat iron the crap out of it, and swoop it to one side, or perm it. Personally, I think you'd look great with a perm. Also, if you do wear skinny jeans, they'd better be the silver sparkly ones we saw last week. With a Jerrell style tank top.
That reminds me Justin. The amount of male cleavage from your v-necks is starting to make me uncomfortable. And what did the B-52's say about you abandoning them?
Note to Justin: next time you play Rock Band, do not tell us what song you sang. I'll never get the image of you singing Roam out of my head and sadly for you, we'll never let you forget it. Wait, did you sing that song when you were auditioning for the J.B.?
leave the cleavage out of this. and who ever said I abandoned the B-52's? Cindy, Fred, Kate, and Keith are all very supportive of my decision to branch out and try new things.
i don't like the flavor either.
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