Last year as a last resort I dressed up as butterfly, only because Katherine had both the wings and antennae that she let me borrow. Oh, and come to think of it, I was also a witch (at a different party). So, yeah. I think I need something new.
When I was a kid, my favorite thing to dress up as was a gypsy. This was mainly because it meant I got to wear a lot of jewelry - including dangly clip on earrings - and a lot of Wet and Wild makeup.
Once I was old enough to wear make up on days other than Halloween, I got slightly more creative. One year I was a devil disguised as an angel (an angel costume with a devil tail in the back). I stole that idea from a list I found online so I can't take credit for it. Another time, when I had a job working with migrant students, I was La Llorona which was pretty good. But I've been in a rut for a couple years now.
Halloween is only a couple days away so I need a costume idea stat! Anyone have any ideas or suggestions?
I was a woman of substance (aka fat old lady) one year. That was a great one for trick or treating in the cold...inside it might be a little hot.
Ummmm, a yetty?
The Hunchback of Notre Dame is EASY and CHEAPO!!
Tape smartie candies all over your pants and call yourself "smarty pants."
I saw a thing on msn.com where a lady bought some rubber snakes (like from the dollar store) and put them through her hair like medusa. It looked pretty cool.
Edward Scissors for Hands
Jane Austen
Sandy (from Grease)
Wilma Flintstone
Dead Person
Troll Doll
I'll try to think of some more and get back to you.
You can come as part of the Buffy group - I'm Spike, Kristen B. is Buffy, Brian Starr is Angel. You could be a good Tara - she wears kind of gypsy/hippie clothes all the time. Or you could be Faith, or Drusilla, or Willow, or Glory (you'd be a good Glory! You just need a red cocktail dress, heels, and curl your hair a little), or Darla, or Cordelia, etc.
You can see a list at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Buffy_the_Vampire_Slayer_characters
P.S. - I really like Buffy.
Hey...what about a Roller Derby girl? Or, my friend is going to be a CareBear. Perhaps a bunch of grapes...put a lot of green or purple balloons all over yourself (saw this online...not my own idea!). :)
These are great suggestions guys! I appreciate the help! At this point I'm leaning towards being a sick person. It will give me an excuse to wear slippers and a robe. And leave my hair undone. I'm not saying this costume is going to get me any dates.
The puppy as Darth Vader is SOOOOOOO cute!! Awww... So, why haven't you been Doc Emmett Brown yet? I'm concerned that you've given up that dream. Elizabeth, it's your density...I mean, your destiny.
I might be Angela from the Office. I thought it was a funny idea and easy.
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