Here's what happened. Tonight after going to a Halloween party, Emily, Katherine, and I thought it would be nice to carve pumpkins in keeping with the Halloween theme. Emily has a ton of awesome pumpkin stencils, so I chose one that I thought would look really great: an alien. I was pretty excited about this!
But I should have known something was not right when I couldn't cut into the top of the pumpkin. I tried a few different knives (including a really big kitchen knife) but to no avail! Both Katherine and Emily mocked my weakness until I made them try and they conceded that it was hard as a rock. Luckily, Emily has super human strength and with some effort, cut the top off for me.
At that point, I put the pattern on the pumpkin and started poking holes in it to create a stencil (a technique I do not normally use, but was told was the only way to go by Emily). But guess what? This cement pumpkin was virtually impenetrable and broke the pokey thingy! What the!?
So I got another poker and got back to work, all the time dreading actually having to cut into this thing. But finally, it was time. I think I can sum up the whole experience with one word: unsuccessful. After breaking my third knife, I gave up.
Don't judge me for quitting. It was a hard decision. But I just starting thinking, "what do I have to prove!? This pumpkin is killing me! It's giving me hand muscle cramps, a horrible headache, and is just so not worth it! This pumpkin sucks!" So here's the final product:
Yeah, I told you. It's bad. No mouth, no hands, no nose. Can you even tell it's an alien!? Emily said she thinks some teenagers are going to try to smash it. But to them I say: I'd like to see you try.
I really think we should blow this pumpkin up. That'd show it. In the mean time, you should draw on the rest of the details with a sharpy...not that you can't immediately tell that it's an alien without them...
I like the idea of blowing the pumpkin up. And it wasn't a total bust, Katherine and I had a great time watching you in all your frustration. It still makes me laugh just thinking about it. I'm sure attempt #3 will be much more successful.
Hmm, makes me wonder if there is some way to tell ahead of time whether a pumpkin is willing to be carved...you should definitely find that out! :)
it kinda looks like you're looking up at someone's nose from below, which I think is even more terrifying than an alien.
so i saw once that at like williams-sonoma or somewhere else fancy and expensive, they have like electric pumpkin carving tools! i totally want some. i also think that tools of this nature may have been beneficial in the case of the alien pumpkin tragedy. i'm just sayin...
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