Would you rather:
Live as an Amish person in a conservative Old Order ordnung for 3 months, with the following rules:
- No internet
- No cell phones
- No electricity at all.
- If you are a man, you will work outside laboring from dawn to dusk.
- If you are a woman, you will spend your days cooking, baking, cleaning, and quilting.
- You can not get shunned in this time. You have to follow the rules.
Spend the summer touring with singers from the 80's and 90's who are trying to revive their careers (Sinead O'Conner, Ricky Astley, Tori Amos, Terence Trent D'Arby). You will:
- Sing backup
- Do choreographed dances (and some interpretive dance)
- Do stand up comedy before the show to get the audience pumped
- Travel nonstop for three months
- Promote the tour by running a non-ironic tour website.
That's a toughie. I've always wanted to be a backup singer/dancer. But I've also always been mesmerized by a Laura Ingalls lifestyle. But doing stand up sounds like a nightmare I can't wake up from. I think I would rather live as an Amish person. Sometimes I feel like tossing my cell phone and computer into the river, so being Amish for 3 months would solve my problem. Although, they'd probably kick me out sooner than that after they tasted any attempt I made at baking.
I would chose Amish, but it was REALLY hard for me to make that choice because I'm definitely addicted to the internet, my blog, and my cell phone. But no way could I sing and dance to "nothing compares to you" or "wishing well" on stage! So, Amish it is. I suppose I could keep a journal of the experience and blog about it later. ;)
What a difficult choice! I have related experience with both, since I lived in Provo for 5 years, and it was in the 80's.
Guess I'd have to pick the Amish community and hope I learn the German word for "stabbing your father-in-law with a pitchfork."
Hmmm....I agree with Kathy about having wanted to be a backup singer, and I think "running a non-ironic tour website" sounds like a sort of hilarious challenge. But stand up? That would probably get me "shunned" from the tour!! So I think I'd rather try out the Amish lifestyle for a bit. I've always wanted to learn how to quilt!! Plus if it's anything like "For Richer or Poorer," that looked like fun. Can I do fashion shows, too??
Maybe you and I could stay in the same quarters? That way, if we get really bored, we could put on a shadow puppet show or make fun of the other girl's bonnet choices to keep ourselves entertained. "Did you see Esther Abigail? Who wears a white bonnet after labor day?"
I guess I have to choose living as an Amish person. Growing a beard sounds just as bad as singing backup, but not quite as bad as doing stand up comedy.
I was shouting and pointing at the TV during "30 Rock" when they started copying your plan, and I'm pretty sure my friend wondered what I had just choked on to be having such a reaction! :) This is a hard one, but I'd choose touring with those bands. My reason: Because I loved the movie "Music and Lyrics" and that's what this sorta reminds me of! :) Also, my skill set is much more in line with dancing around, traveling for months, and attempting to sing harmony than it is for cooking, baking, and cleaning. :)
Amish. I do all those things anyway and facebook is starting to make me hate people,so I could use a break
Can you harvest my crops and take care of my farm while I'm gone?
Amish. Sounds heavenly.
I would definitely choose the Amish. I think being constantly staring at a screen, be it computer, phone or television, is giving me ADD. A break from that sounds really nice!
Sinead O'Connor is awesome, wishing well everyday would be ideal. And I think to some Tori Amos never left. Way better than a pube shirt.
Good One. Very hard.
I have long been intrigued by the Amish. I read about them a lot.
On the other hand.....
I am a total ham and I am constantly looking for an audience.
The Amish wouldn't have heard my jokes before......
I love to bake....
Ok...I pick the Amish!!!
I am traveling with the band. I don't sing, I don't dance, and my humor is almost non existent but I am still traveling non stop with the band. When does the tour start?
An admirer from the distance. ;)
AHHHH SO HARD! I'm a dancer so I'd love to go on tour! Buuuttttttt... I think I'd like to relax and not have to worry about all the stupid work and school I have to do. Being able to bake all day and read and learn a new language sounds LOVELY.
Easy choice for me, being an electronic freak the Amish life would end in complete disaster. I predict about 2 hours, 5 mins and 33 seconds* before they discover my electronic stash.
* This is the average time it takes Mrs B to find anything that I’ve tried to hide
So despite my inability to dance or sing it would off on tour for me. I suspect this would be the end of the career for anyone I attempted to support….
Incidentally I managed to get front row tickets to see Terence Trent D’Arby when he supported Simply Red back in 1988 – which was fantastic as he had just reached No1 in the UK charts with his first album Introducing The Hard Line. The best support act I have ever seen.
I was also one of the few people who purchased and enjoyed his next four albums
“Neither Fish nor Flesh”,
“Symphony or Damn”,
I'd go with the Amish. I know they work hard, but I need a break from all of the hoopla out there.
I'd go with the Amish. I know they work hard, but I need a break from all of the hoopla out there.
Amish... at least when I'm insulted it won't be public. But I do love my 80's and 90's muzACK!
We're definitely going Amish... In fact... Jacob is a convert... he was Amish before joining... Ok we're kidding, but we really would rather be Amish for 3 months.
Life without technology would be so simple and so refreshing. Although... if we were Amish we wouldn't have a blog and we wouldn't be anonymous... ;(
I'd choose the Amish because it would teach me to be a good wife some day! :) HAHA!
I'd totally tour with the 80's 90's rock group. The skill set learned from failing publicly and learning how to do those skills would be far greater than those I would learn from hard work and refraining from lots of things amish wise. Also, I tend to fall asleep easily if not moving around and I might be a really sleepy amish person.
I would definitely choose touring with the 80's rock band. My choice is based almost completely on my dislike for cooking and baking for other people.
I would tour with the bands, as long as I can dress like an Amish person and bake bread in my down time..
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