In other Wednesday Thoughts, I was listening to public radio yesterday, and they were doing a little piece on celebrities "tweeting" about Michigan. As I've mentioned before, a lot of movies are being filmed in Michigan because of tax incentives. Some celebrities, such as David Arquette, Ashton Kutcher, and Demi Moore have apparently mentioned how much they like Michigan in their Tweets recently, and the question was, "should we care? Does it help our morale in Michigan if celebrities like it here?" What do you think? (Side note, one of my coworkers met David Arquette last week! What!)
Heads up, Wednesday Thoughts is about to get real immature. Ready? So, one of my Facebook friends is selling a health shake and posted some information on it last night on FB. Out of curiousity, I thought I'd check out the website for the shake. What I found caught me off guard. Listed on the page were testimonials about the product's effectiveness:
They concluded that: meh, who really cares, but also, well, yes we do care. Most people just associate Michigan with Detroit and let's face it, Detroit doesn't really have the best reputation (shocking, I know). But as you know, I think Michigan is beautiful (even Detroit). And I kind of like it when they say positive things about it. But once again, what do you think?
Heads up, Wednesday Thoughts is about to get real immature. Ready? So, one of my Facebook friends is selling a health shake and posted some information on it last night on FB. Out of curiousity, I thought I'd check out the website for the shake. What I found caught me off guard. Listed on the page were testimonials about the product's effectiveness:
"I lost 26 lbs!"
"I feel more energized!""My elimination tripled"
Um.... elimination? Tripled!? Ew ew ew!!! (I warned you this was going to be immature). Ok, ok, I can be a grown up about elimination. I guess I was just caught off guard by it. And for the record, it didn't make me want to buy the product more. I suppose for some people that might be an incentive though so I don't mean to knock it. But, ew.
So..... on that note, Happy Wednesday.
I totally agree about Detroit and Michigan. They do seem to have a bad connotation but after visiting and wandering I'm sad that the bad things are all people hear about. It really is a fantastically cool place.
And. Uh. I would NOT buy that shake either. Even if I did want to work on my elimination. (btw I'm simultaneously laughing about this and seriously grossed out. I can't decide which to be...)
That's just gross. GROSS. I mean, it's not like I don't talk about poo, but that's no way to advertise your product!!!
Seriously gross. Thanks for that.
I think it's pretty cool to have the celebrities talking up good ol' Michigan! As much as we might hate to admit it, celebrities have clout, and having them respect Michigan is good for the ol' home state. In case other states don't know it, Michigan RULES! I mean, RULZ! ResPECT! Sorry...got a little carried away...
Oh, I love the geese, too, and really like the idea of the geese meeting up in "the D" (I still don't know if I can get behind that monicker) for some sweet goose caravanning.
Whenever I hear the geese flying over in the fall, I have the urge to run out into the yard and run after them screaming, "NOOOOOO!!! Come back. PLEASE come back!!! I'm not ready for the cold. PLEASE!!!!". It would be like the end of an old western, where the kid is running after the hero that's riding off into the sunset.
I was wondering why you've been sprinting to the bathroom so much around here. I guess that shake really got things moving? (GAG. Sorry. I think that was too far.)
It's like that lady on the new's when we were kids that said, "it scared the mess right out of me." Lol. So gross. I guess if you had a really good bathroom book you have been meaning to read then you might think positivly about this product.
I agree with kat. Tim allen and us have always known how wonderful it is to be a michiganian\michigander, but other's don't know. I'm glad the celebs are givin a shout to our wonderful mitten state.
What women refer to as "elimination", men like to call "production".
The weekend we met at the Sleeping Bear Dunes I traveled from Detroit to Traverse City. I have to say Detroit and Michigan are on different sides of the spectrum. It was a beautiful thing. I enjoyed a show as large as the Eminem & Jay-Z concert to walking on sand to Lake Michigan a 7 mile round trip that you know well. I feel we have everything we need here, but I think it's the people of Michigan that make it one of a kind. If a celebrity gives a shout out I think its great they are finally seeing what we have known and I'll take it. I care.
Elimination...sounds like fun...like it's some sort of bodily function game. Like, while staring at a double cheeseburger you're about to eat you think, "I just can't wait to eliminate you!" Oh, celebrities suck. It's not our fault that they don't already know that Michigan is amazing...I mean, we have been a state in the Union for like 200 years and just now you recognize how beautiful we are...piss off.
Yes, the geese of Belle Isle are plentiful. Our dog tried chasing about 200 of them north (or it is south, actually) to Canada.
I'm for all the good press we can get. I think it totally matters. Sad, but Ben Affleck and Matt Damon do a heck of a lot for the image of Boston.
I have been through part of Michigan. It was nice. It was the summer though. I am definitely a fan of the mild winters here.
As for the poop.......probably not something I personally would have shared. (Unless I had nothing to blog about of course.)
Dear Anonymous,
"That....was an overreaction."- Andy Bernard
The Screen Actors Guild
Have I already shared this website with you before? It's where I get all my "Celebs In The D" gossip! :)
I like watching geese. There was a goose last spring that seemed lost. He was sitting on top of a house nearby honking and looking in different directions, as if he was saying, "Hey guys, I was tweeting and missed my turn." If he had actually said "tweeting", they probably would have shunned him since geese aren't supposed to tweet. On another note, I love it when non Michiganders, speaking of geese, like Michigan. My relatives have lived here since it became a state (1837). It is a winter water wonderland. I could claim that I coined that phrase, but I didn't.
I've heard that geese follow the sun. It's in the South always, but Easterly in AM and Westerly in PM... they kinda zig-zag down.
But then again there's the info that migration is learned and feeding and water source info is acquired.
So... what did he look like and I'll ask him when he gets here.
BTW, It's crazy windy here most of the time but one day we were pulling out of the parking lot. Tons of geese on the lake. They took off and stayed perfectly still in the air. Migration isn't all it's cracked up to be!
I personally LOVE Michigan, and I'm practically a celebrity, so that should warm the cockles of your heart. Of course, I have only seen it in the summer...
I'm a big fan of Fall myself. Have yet to see Geese migration. I can't like or dislike Michigan having never been there
Did I miss a blog post..er uh, who's the cutie up top? Is something good happening I'm not aware of? Anywhooo, I think it would help if celebrity started twitting or whatever about how beautiful Michigan is. If it weren't for the stunning pictures I've seen of Michigan on your other blog - Michigan comes up and I'm thinking trailer parks and that old Emimen movie (the white rapper - I was forced to sit through that movie with a tiny drink and a tiny bag of cold popcorn and I don't like rap, ugh).
I'm no celebrity, at least not in the real world, but I love Michigan.
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