We've all seen the "you know you're from _________ if" lists and I can't believe I'm about to do this, but I thought I'd list a few things I've noticed people from Michigan like. If you can think of any others, or you disagree with the ones I list, let me know!
So, here are some things that came to mind that people in Michigan like:
* euchre!
* pointing to our hand to show where in Michigan we live (even referring to the east side of the lower peninsula as "the thumb" without hesitation).
* fudge
* hockey
* Deeeeee-troit basket-ball (said in that special Mason way)
* Tim Allen, and while I'm on the subject, Kid Rock. The celebrity we don't like from Michigan: Madonna. (I get the impression the feeling is mutual.) The celebrity we're shaky about: Eminem.
* cider mills
* staying out of Detroit. (Sporting events are the exception.)
* college football
* bragging about the Great Lakes
* skiing on landfills
* corn mazes
* really bad roads (at least it seems like we really like those.)
* knowing what our state stone is - seriously, ask anyone from Michigan. We all know. It's weird.
I agree with the list and upon reading it I think, who wouldn't want to be from here? I remember going to the upper part of the l.p. (lower peninsula) to look for Petosky stone along the shores of the lakes. Nothing is better than a warm cake donut and cold cider in the crisp October air. And we are excited that Ben Wallace may be coming back! Ya to da U.P., eh?
Yeah, MICHIGAN!! I get mocked for the Michigan hand map, but I shall not be ashamed!! I love all of those things, with the exception of football and really bad roads. (Don't tell Mom about the football thing. And that's right, I said Maahhm, not Mawm.)
We didn't want the list end! This was so fun, and Justin really knew about Petosky stone, that's so weird.
Question: how long do I have to live in Michigan before I get to be a Michigander? Because I love Michigan. I still have to learn to play euchre and eat a pastie... But then what?
I love pasties. And I love to wash them down with Vernors.
I also love the classic "Say yah to da U.P., eh!" bumper stickers only us Michiganders can understand. We have two peninsulas. Beat that Ohio.
Petoskey is just soooo cool!
I think Michiganders love to brag about their bad roads more than they love them. Your potholes give you status.
I found Vernors in Chicago OH the taste of home now if I could only find Faygo Pop orange Pineapple is/was my favorite.
I think if you combine any 2 of those things, you have a perfect Michigan experience. Like, cider mills and making fun of Ohio! I would add "We have all 4 seasons" to that list. :)
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