I'm flying out today for Christi's wedding and I am way excited. But... I've had some issues with packing. My issue is: how many hair irons can I pack before I'm considered high maintenance? I have curling irons of various sizes, and the same goes for flat irons. Plus, there's shoes, clothes, hair products...I have limited myself to one suitcase though so I don't think I can truly be considered high maintenance...right?
See you next week!
This is why being a girl stinks. We have to work to look lovely, then we wonder if we overdo it. It's a never ending battle! I think as long as you don't have a suitcase strictly for hair products, you're safe. Hehe.
i am going to have to say that i am glad i am not a woman, i don't know what i would do with myself. Just go with nothing and let the air dry it, it will turn out fine
I'll be the first to say it (but only because I am, too): you're borderline high-maintenance. I say borderline because you're not a spaz about it, but do have more curling/flat irons and hair products than the average girl. (Thanks, btw...I like trying out your products before committing...) I think you should embrace it! I do my own h.m. status!
When you turn out so consistantly LOVELY, you shouldn't question how it happened, just rejoice that it can!!!
It may have only been one bag, but it was a really heavy bag. I'm just saying.
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