Joke #1
E: What is a fat ape?
J: A grape? Oh no wait...I don't know.
E: A chunky monkey.
J: That's my favorite kind of ice cream.
Joke #2
E: What's black and white and has 16 wheels?
J: Does this have something to do with spiders?
E: No. A zebra with rollerskates.
J: I don't get it.
Joke #3
A: How do you make an orange laugh?
E: Does it have to do with peeling?
A: No. It's disturbing.
J: Take out it's seeds?
A: No. It makes me really angry, actually.
K: Tickle it's naval!!!
J: Dang it! Kathy's winning.
(I asked Ann later why that joke made her so mad and she said it was too PG-13 for Laffy Taffy, in her opinion.)
Joke #4
K: Where do really smart hot dogs go?
E: Does it have to do with the Ivy League?
K: No!
J: Does it have to do with taco shells?
K: What does that have to do with hot dogs?
J: You know, thinking outside the bun...
E: Someone's been going to Taco Bell too much.
(much, much later, after many wrong guesses)
E: Is it obvious?
K: Well, I thought it was. I knew it before I read it.
E/J: Oh dang. Someone thinks they're pretty smart.
(thinking harder)
E/J: We give up.
K: The honor roll.
E: Dang it! I was thinking honor bun!!
J: I couldn't even come up with roll! (Much self loathing in this statement.)
Hopefully these conversations entertained you as much as they entertained me!
A fun way to experience Laffy Taffy jokes is to read the answer to someone and see if they can correctly reconstruct the question. It's like Jeopardy! really - a thinking man's approach to Laffy Taffy.
Oh, Brian. You guys are crazy!! You got me cracking up, though!
laffy taffy is proof that there is a god. yum. i think i will have to stop and get some before i head to work tonight!
Honor bun? Really?
I'm glad that there are others out there with a great appreciation for the laffy taffy jokes! Sometimes I try to eat them without reading the jokes just to know that I can resist the temptation to read them but I have been unsuccessful thus far.
A favorite of mine that was read summer of 2007:
Q: Why do mama kangaroos hate it when it rains?
A: Because the kids have to play inside!
This grossed me out, and is still a little weird to me.
one of my all time LT faves:
Q: What did the donut say to the loaf of bread?
A: If I had as much dough as you, I wouldn't be hanging around this hole!
hahhahaha!. ah. good times.
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