Last year I made a
photo album for my Grandma for Christmas. At the time, I couldn't tell if she liked it or not, but I have since learned that she opens it up and looks through it every day. So I decided to make her a new one for Christmas this year with pictures I took throughout the year.
As I've been compiling this year's album, I've been realizing just how much I love my family, and how my nieces and nephews hold a special place in my heart. They are such special kids and I feel so blessed to have them in my family and in my life. They are full of such unconditional love and I just adore them. If you'll indulge me, I want to share with you one picture of each of them (there are four) and tell a few things about them that make them so special to me. I'll start with the youngest.

Samantha was born in March, and is Heather's youngest. She's mild mannered, and cracks up at everything her older brother and sister do. When she's excited to see you, she flaps her arms and legs. It's too cute. I can't wait to see her personality emerge as she grows. She's such a little sweetie.

Ethan is Heather's second child. I love his energy and huge personality. Another sweet thing about him is that he likes to cook. A couple weeks ago he "helped" me make puppy chow and had a huge smile on his face the whole time. But my favorite thing about him is that he's a total snuggler. I was recently lucky enough to watch The Jungle Book with my nieces and nephews, and Ethan snuggled right up to me on the couch when the movie started.

Isn't she beautiful?! Paige (Heather's oldest) is full of life and love. She has a very big personality and it's been cute to see how she pronounces my name. Last year I was "Dawidabis," and now I'm "Salibis."She reminds me of me at her age - trying to get a lot of attention and very spirited (aka bossy). She's a total girly girl and always wants Katherine and me to paint her nails. She also gives power hugs so tight you practically can't breathe.

This is one of my favorite pictures of James, my brother's son. I took it this summer when we were on vacation. Katherine bought him this coon skin cap from a souvenir shop and he wore it all week. He even held onto it when he slept. James is such a great kid. He has the most witty sense of humor and has been cracking us up for years. He's also very sensitive and always feels bad for kids who's feelings were hurt or who are less fortunate. He's growing up right before our eyes and won't be a kid much longer which he often reminds us about. This summer when we were at the movie theater, I reminded him to go to the bathroom before we went into the theater. He informed me that he's almost a teenager and doesn't need to be reminded about when to go to the bathroom. Almost a teenager!? He was nine at the time. He just turned ten. I know I wrote more about him than I did the rest, but it's not because I love him more (I love them all equally!), it's just that I've known him longer.
Thanks for letting me talk about them. I can't wait to have kids of my own some day. Kids really do add so much joy to a family!
OoOoOoooOoooh!!! I love these kiddlywinks so much!! They're so adorable and this post is making me miss them! (Even though James is sitting right next to me, playing Mario...)
what a splendid post! I'm on the couch surrounded by two sleeping babies. We just got back from the mall and I caught 2 shoplifters while we were there! So much adrenaline! Good times!
Love this post as well. You're a good aunt.
oh my goodness, that paige is a looker! But they're all adorable.
You do have some darn cute nieces and nephews. Little people pretty much make the world go round! ha.
And I don't know about Ethan, but that Samantha sure is a good snuggler.
Emily, that was so sweet when Samantha was snuggling you at the Halloween party. She's such a sweet baby. I love these kids.
They are totally adorable! I love seeing the pics of all of them. I can see you and your siblings as kids in them too. So that reminds me of fun times.
Oh, that's so sweet Danielle! Some of my favorite childhood memories are of spending time with your family. We always had so much fun with you all!
I'm sitting in the library and reading your blog and reading what you have to say about my kids and seeing their pics is making me the embaressing. It makes me so happy to see the kids with you. They love you so much and talk about you all the time. Whenever Ethan hears someone outside he asks if it's one of you guys. Elizabeth, Katherine or pappa. Thank you for saying such sweet things.
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