I almost skipped writing Wednesday Thoughts today, but I skipped it last week and didn't want to get out of the habit. Truth is, I've been feeling a little blah these last couple Wednesdays. I'm not sure what it is. I'm sure I'll snap out of it. Usually I enjoy Wednesdays. Maybe it has something to do with the change in seasons - it's a mystery.
One thing I have been thinking about lately that I will share with you: I've been trying to come up with a good Halloween costume. The last couple years I have had a really hard time choosing a costume. I've asked my nieces and nephews for ideas but they always have the same suggestion: "a pwincess."
I was talking about this with a friend the other day and she told me that her mom always dressed her in crazy costumes when she was a kid, including one Halloween when her mom dressed her as an OB/GYN. She was about seven or eight, dressed in a doctor's costume, carrying around a naked baby doll the whole night. She had no idea what an OB/GYN was.
I want to come oup with something creative like that, but maybe without the "ew" factor. I've thought about being Doc from Back to the Future on occassion, but I'm not sure I want to be something ugly (no offense, Doc). Although I would like the excuse to say things like, "1.21 gigawatts!" And "Great scott!" for a whole evening. Halloween's the one night of the year I can get away with saying those things without people looking at me like I'm a crazy person.
What was your best costume ever?
Happy Wednesday.
when i have 2 arms/hands to type with i'll reply better.
Wonder Woman! No doubt. Underoos costume over tights. Can't get better than that. I generally don't dress up so I'm not much use for coming up with ideas.
And I enjoy sewing, but anything complicated usually ends with me throwing something across the room. It really tests my patience!
a bag of jelly beans... my friend dressed up as that one year - clear garbage bag with a whole bunch of mini balloons. It was really creative. you don't get to say really cool things though.
Fifth grade Halloween day at school I dressed as a siamese twin w/ my best friend Jessy. We weren't allowed to be seperated the whole day since it'd ruin our costume. Clever little buggers!
One year I saw a kid who went as a picnic. She had one of those cheap plastic red and white checkered table cloths over her head and then glued to that were paper plates, plastic forks, etc. plastic food like hot dogs and small bags of chips and cookies. I thought it was hilarious and very creative.
My best costume as a kid was when I dressed up as a woman of substance (translation: fat old lady). It was great for a Michigan Halloween since wearing the winter coat under the costume just enhanced it.
you sound like me when you sew. Hang in there...
I was Pippi longstocking once, it was awesome. I used a hanger in my hair for the awesome sticking out pigtails. I really like fun hair stuff. Like dressing up as "a who" from dr. seuss. We would put cups under our hair to make an awesomely huge pony tail.
Lol this year I am deciding between being smurfette (recently acquired awesome neon blue leggings) or perhaps something else equally random and awesome...
Good luck figuring it out! BTW. Awesome posts lately.
I actually WAS Wonder Woman in kindergarten, and have claimed her ever since. I enjoyed being a Hershey's Kiss a few years ago, and have also been Marilyn Monroe, a flapper, and a sorceress in the past. All fun, but the Kiss wins out, I think. My favorite costume of YOURS was the "la llarona" (sp?) costume a few years back. Good and scary! You know, sometimes the scarier/weirder the better...maybe we can make a pact to be something crazy this year. I'll get on that.
I remember one year you were a bag of laundry. I was a very mean aunt that year. HA!
Twenty years ago I painted my entire body with red poster paint. The paint went in my beard and my hair in streaks. I dressed in short cutoffs and a torn sheet for a shirt. I also made two white wooden horns for my head. The paint dried to a very dark shade of red and flaked off in places, so that it looked like my skin was shedding. I ran around all night leaving little red footprints everywhere I went. And I carried an axe.
It was so much fun, I decided to do it for Halloween.
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