A few years back there was a ballot initiative which I believe was called "stump the hippies" (like me). It involved the environment and I remember being quite concerned about it. I read through it several times in the days leading up to the vote but couldn't sift through the double negatives. It was so bad, I couldn't even determine if voting 'yes' would save or destroy the environment. I asked some friends about it, hoping they could help me sort it out but after reading through it together, we were even more baffled. In the end we determined a "no" vote was the way to go but it turned out we were wrong. As I was watching the election results on the news that night, I remember thinking, "wait - why are those guys in suits laughing and pouring oil all over the trees and why are they draining the Great Lakes? And why do those people in the tie dyed shirts look so sad?" Tricky tricky ballot initiative. Everyone was standing around baffled, going, "Wait, I thought we...? What happened there?"
So yeah, it's a pretty serious thing, voting.
Some other things on my mind today:
- I wish people would stop saying summer is almost over. We still have one more month!
- I just got back from vacation but am leaving again soon to go to Utah for a week! Way excited to see friends and sites.
- I've written in my blog four days in a row - what's up with that?
Happy Wednesday!
I know voting should be secretive, but over half the time, I really want to ask someone to help me! And, I consider myself to be a fairly educated individual, but you are so right...it is very confusing! I wonder how many ballots are disregarded because they weren't filled out properly or with the actual intentions of the voter (save the environment vs destroy it!). :)
And, I'm with you about the end of summer/back-to-school comments. I've boycotted certain stores recently because they've already started their sales for school supplies. Nuh-uh, Office Max, not cool!
A blind date sounds SO exciting! Seriously! It's like a totally blank slate; you can show up wearing a multi-colored mohawk wig and he'd just have to be like, "Huh, ok, that's how she rolls." :) That would definitely break the ice!
By the way, I'm so happy with all the new blog posts! Keep up the excellent work! :)
Summer isn't almost over till you favorite sister's (me) birthday.
I actually did not vote, because I thought yesterday was Monday all day and missed it. I am traumatized and a tad bit. T. Oed. I actually was pumped about this one because I had read up on a lot. Boo hiss.
Have fun in the ute (is that what people in utah call it, if not they should.)
I voted yesterday too, and also spent much more time trying to figure out the proposals than the candidates. I think the longer ones should have an abstract, like "I like bunnies more than industrial waste", or "Tax me a little more to pay for a new fire truck".
Have your date take you to Old Country Buffet for dinner and insist that you sit near the salad bar so you don't have to push the walker so far, pat him on the head and pay for both your meals with your senior citizen discount.
When you get to UT, give Malissa a hug for me. Then look up Chris Carbine and give him a hug too.
Your first paragraph reminds me of an old George Carlin routine as the "hippy-dippy weatherman". "There is a thunderstorm that is running five miles north or south of a line running between four miles west of Flint and twenty miles southeast of Lansing." His was funnier. I agree on the ballot initiatives. I'm still not sure if I voted right on the school issue yesterday. Summer isn't over until September 21st. And, on an "up" note there are only 142 days until Christmas. It's the most wonderful time of the year.
I know exactly what you mean about voting. I could write my own blog. I did tag you this week on HERE'S TO YOU THURSDAY. I hope you like it:-)
haha...oops... awe shucks and Ask questions and laugh alot:D
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