It comes in tons of flavors - my favorite is Rock 'N Rye. I just had some last week for the first time in a long time and it honestly rocked my world. Soooo good.
What are some foods that your state is known for? What would you miss if you moved away, or what do you miss from your home state if you're no longer living there?
I was just having dinner with friends last week and they were talking about their favorite foods from Utah, where two of them have lived. I can't remember the foods exactly - but one of them was some brand of bread - I think it was "grandma's something or other bread." (The memory's the first thing to go, I guess.) And the other was a brand of honey. If I can remember the names of the items, I'll look for them when I'm in Utah next week.
To my Utah friends: anything I should try next week? Foods or restaurants?
I'm going to miss Rock 'N Rye so much! It was grandma sycamores bread and miller's honey. My sister is obsessed with Cafe Niche on like 300 S and 700 E I think in SLC.
I wonder if there are other states that have a flavor of pop called redpop. Not strawberry, or fruit pop. Redpop. I love Faygo. And to all you "Soda" sayers- redsoda sounds ridiculous. Please switch to pop immediately. :)-
And you absolutely have to give it up to Detroit. Even though it may not be the safest place to live, the birth of a hot dog with beef chili, mustard, and onions smothered on top was born there. Pure genius. Pure Michigan.
Oooh, I love all of those things about Michigan, too! Delicious! I've thought in the past about what it would be like if I moved away from Michigan - it would be horrible! I love all of the things Michigan has to offer (fudge being in the top 3, of course), including vacation spots, good local restaurants, Great Lakes, green trees, apple cider and yummy cider donuts, etc. Michigan's the best!
Yeah for Michigan!! You're getting me really excited to come home...even if it's only for a week!!
If you go to P-Town (Provo), you need to go to Brick Oven (on the corner of 111 East and 800 North). They have the BEST tasting root beer, and they have great pizza and pasta. After that, save room for dessert and go to the BYU Creamery on 900 East and 10th or 11th North. BYU made ice cream - can't beat that! OR, there is an ice cream hot spot on University Parkway and...somewhere near University Avenue called Sub Zero. It's ice cream made with liquid nitrogen...I actually prefer it over other types because it's harder than "normal" ice cream and tastes amazing!! Enjoy!! :-)
Malissa, the universe hates us. It is so wrong that you are going to be in Michigan when I'm in Utah. So wrong.
Agreed :-(
I used to work at this chain of diners in Utah called Winger's and they have the most amazing sauce (officially named 'Amazing Sauce') that they put on their buffalo wings. It's a little hot but sweet and so, so, so yummy. Whenever I go anywhere else for wings, say, Buffalo Wild Wings, it's always a colossal disappointment compared to Winger's. They also have this great variation on the sauce called "Creamy Amazing Sauce" - it's the yummy, yummy sauce mixed with ranch dressing. Soooo good on fries.
I also love how Utah has Fry Sauce available at most restaurants. It's easy enough to make (ketchup + mayonaise), but the professionally made stuff always has better proportions than the stuff I whip up.
If you make it out to Bountiful, there is this little place called Pace's Dairy Ann and they make all these amazing treats like Rainbows (it's kinda like a snow cone mixed with ice cream - I recommend the grape) and Astro Bars (awesome popsicles that are among Bountiful's greatest contributions to the world).
Tyler (ryan's younger brother) used to work at the Brick Oven in Provo, so I agreeyou totally have to go there. In honor of TAMNers, our fictional friend blogger, you should hit Rio....I am totally blanking on the name of this great Mexican restaurant in Provo as well. You have to go to Stan's dinner too and get a shake. The porcupine grill is also really good too. Maggelby's for breakfast..I haven't been there in forever, so it is hard to remember all the places Ryan would take me.
My home state is Ohio, and they have Buckeyes (the chocolate/peanut butter kinds) and Donato's cracker-thin thin crustpizza. So Good! I can make my own buckeyes, but not my own Donatos. They also have Graeter's (ice cream), which is from Cincy, so they have some locations in KY too, so I will have them when we are there next year.
My parents import Faygo 2liters every time they visit us in Chicago. My fav Faygo flavor was pineapple orange. The Runners up would be Rock'N rye, caramel apple, and Black Cherry. I am lucky enough to have Verners in our local store. It was hard getting used to not having a Meijer less than 40 min a way. They don't have Cider mills in Illinois, they have Pumpkin patches and It isn't the same. First memory of a Cider Mill the one in Franklin. Their doughnuts are the best. My Favorite cider comes from a place in Hartland Mi. If it is Pizza were are talking about who can forget Pizza House and Cottage inn. I also miss Olga's and Big Boys both hangouts of my high school days. I didn't know that Big Boys was actually a Michigan Thing as they say in the adds.
mmmm... I miss the provo restaurants. My faves were:
Bombay House - Indian food located in both Provo and Salt Lake.
Thai Chili Garden- At one point they had two locations but now i think they are only in Orem.
Gandolfo's- sandwiches in the basement of a building on central in Provo
Cafe Rio- multiple locations
yummy yummy
My sister Sam is in Provo....
Having lived in California for a few years, I really miss their In-n-Out fries and shakes!! And, whenever I travel to other countries, I always miss good ol' chocolate chip cookies. Somehow, other countries just don't make 'em like we do! :)
We have Faygo here in Ohio - or at least we used to, haven't looked for it in a long time, but I know I have had it before (I think it was grape).
I *love* buckeyes and Donato's Pizza. Mr. Hero is another one - not sure if they have them in Michigan but I know they weren't down south when I lived there and I sure did miss those yummy Romanburgers!
Utah seems to be known for jello, which I actually don't like or eat.
Food I love in Utah:
Fry sauce
Cafe Rio
Sconecutter's curly fries
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