Every time I think of blogging, something happens. It's like I can't gain access to my own thoughts. I decided to do some art therapy to see if I could figure out what's going on. This is what I came up with. I'm a really good artist, if you didn't know:
I made myself sleeping in the drawing because it just felt right. Those things on my head are the obstacles getting in the way of accessing my thoughts when I need to.
So I made a word cloud to do some digging in my brain. Here are some of the things I've been up to lately, in case you were wondering. Cake is on there a lot because my family has a lot of birthdays and cause for celebration this month. Also, cake is good.
I'm trying really hard to make the most of winter but I feel like I'm failing. Because I am. But I'm trying. Mittens help. Hot showers help (except the dry skin that comes with them). Netflix definitely helps except that I'm in need of a new series to watch. Music is great though I tend to gravitate to more sad/heavy music in the winter (I've kept my winter ban on Radiohead). I got some Stabilicers for my birthday, which will help, I hope. My friend hinted that they're not "cool" and that I was "old" for needing them and that because he's "younger" than "me," he "doesn't" "slip." Whatever. He doesn't know what's cool. Grumble grumble grumble.
Anyway, enough about me. What are you doing to survive winter?
If it was who I think it was (whose initials might involve an R and an A) he doesn't know what he's talking about. Better safe than sorry. I like all of the balloons and the parties. Don't forget Robbie Burns' birthday, Ground Hog Day, and today, actually, is the Ides of January. It think that calls for a celebration! Am I right?
And I forgot Chinese New Year!
I survive winter by telling myself each day - WoW! We are one day closer to Summer!!!! We are halfway through January!! woo hoo!!!
I noticed today that the sun is setting later!! YAY! Only a few more months and we'll have lightening bugs and green grass between our toes. (I won't define "a few" here...)
Also, that drawing is amazing! I love your drawings.
My Favorite Part: (I've kept my winter ban on Radiohead).
Hot baths! :)
Today I read about a Danish concept called Hygge. They basically aim to be cozy. You were the first person I thought of. Maybe the Danes have the key to your winter survival/comfort.
I agree with violet--holidays, made up or real. I like to celebrate Groundhog Day by living it as if there were no consequences to anything I do. Also by watching the movie, of course, as it is the greatest on Earth.
Also having a Chinese New Year party. I have already ordered bounteous supplies on oriental trading. We will sit at a table, eat noodles and dumplings, maybe do a craft, open fortune cookies and laugh at awkward Chinese ---> English translations. That reminds me, I need to do someone important internet research.
I've also heard of people having sparkle parties. I'm not sure what it entails but it sounds fun, right. Unless it's this: http://shipyourenemiesglitter.com (sorry for the swears)
Other than that, I have just decided to give in to winter. It feels nice, like warm and subdued, perhaps just before I freeze to death? Maybe. But oh well. I'm calm about it, see. And when else am I going to feel totally legitimately productive and accomplished by just sitting under a blanket and watching Netflix for weeks? It's nice.
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