1. New Year's Eve
1. Valentine's Day
(Yeah, I know they're both 1.)
It seems like all anyone is talking about lately is New Year's Eve plans. Several friends of mine are throwing little parties but secretly I am just in the mood to stay at home and watch a movie with a few people. Is that so wrong!?
I'm all hyped up with New Year's pressure today. Someone did something that ticked me off earlier today and I found myself thinking, "I can't believe he did that on New Year's Eve." What? Why!? It's not like it's my birthday. I need to just calm down. This day is clearly making me more sensitive than I need to be.
And I don't even want to talk about the pressure to kiss someone at midnight.
So I won't. Moving on... do you feel pressure to do something awesome tonight? Do you feel like a loser if you don't?
I'm excited about the new year. I just wish we didn't have to pass through New Year's eve (pressure) to get there. That having been said, I hope you all have a fun one - in whatever way is fun for you! No pressure! Do whatever you want to do! It's ok with me if you just stay home! Go to bed at 10:00 for all I care! (Actually, don't do that. Stay up till midnight. It's the one rule I enforce.)
Happy New Year!