All the excitement over the new candy got us talking about our favorite candies. This led to some heated debate, accompanied with shock and outrage over disagreements about which is truly the best candy. This isn't the first time we've debated about candy, but it was the funniest. I've never seen anyone so strongly object to toffee (Justin said it should be illegal). He even said I should do a poll to prove that many people find toffee disgusting. I told him he is going to be disappointed (see poll on upper left).
So I thought I'd do a little experiment. Today I brought some of the more controversial candies in to work. Here is a list of the candy I brought in along with the reactions they received:
Boston Baked Beans
Both Ann and Justin had never tried these and were repulsed by their name. This morning Ann

Another co-worker said that they have something similar in the country she grew up in and that she loves them. She was gobbling them up. Kathy also said she can't stay away from them.
Overall reaction: people like them, but think the name leaves much to be desired. I disagree. I think the name is the best part.
Almond Joys

Coconut is surprisingly divisive. However, we had one shocking reaction. Ann, who thought she hated them, tried one today and absolutely loved it, practically shouting, "It's really good!!" But did say she could do without the almond. A little later, she proclaimed, "Elizabeth, you have just changed my candy bar world."
Hot Tamales
Kathy's favorite! Justin's reaction: "candy shouldn't be spicy."
Cow Tails

I love these things. Justin said, "it's a little weird. I'm leaning towards not liking it." In the end he decided to give it a C- because he liked the inside (calling it "delish").
Ann said they're good (agreeing that the cream center was the best) but said that with no outer coating, they're a bit dry.
Milky Ways
I thought it was a given that Milky Ways are totally delicious (they're in my top five), but I was wrong. Turns out some people think they're gross. Justin tried them again today and said, "it's not doing anything for me."
Other controversial candy that I could have brought but was too grossed out by: Necco wafers (nasty!), Circus Peanuts, and Good and Plentys. What do you guys think? What's your least favorite candy?