This is my 1,000th blog post! Anniversaries like this call for reflection. I thought about posting my top ten favorite posts, but I already have a list like that on the left under the heading of "Highlight Reel." I tried to go back further for some older posts, but let's face it, 1,000 posts is a lot so I scrapped that idea.
We've been through a lot these past four years, since I started my blog on
June 4, 2008. Remember 2008? The Beijing Olympics? A merman named Michael Phelps? The presidential election when Obama ran against a Republican candidate and Tina Fey looked like Sarah Palin? The Jonas Brother song "Burnin Up" was number 66 on the top 100 songs of 2008, and so much more, I assume. (I googled stuff about 2008 because who can even remember anymore.)
Through these past four years, my blog has had certain themes. I decided to do some searches to see how often I posted on some of my favorite topics. So here they are, along with the number of times they've been mentioned on here:
Dating 148 - always vague, no specifics! That's my blogging philosophy on dating. So I'm sorry, but even with that little teaser in the previous post, I can't tell you who my secret crush is. ;)
Grandma 33 - my grandma is wonderful and hilarious. She recently asked me if she's too bossy. I, of course, said no. I'm on the phone with her as we speak and she's talking about plans for when she dies. She mentioned it right after she told me what she had for dinner.
Candy 41 - kind of surprised I've talked about candy this much. It is pretty good though, you have to admit.
Michigan 108 - Michigan is beautiful and awesome. That is all. Other states are pretty good too though.
The Brady Bunch 12 - see, this is why I can't read back over 1,000 posts. I get too embarrassed by the things I've blogged about. I didn't dare do a search on "Full House." Too risky.
Swine flu 11 - remember the swine flu and how we were all going to die of it? We made it, you guys! Well, most of us.
Snuggies 27 - confession: I own two Snuggies and I don't use either of them ever. I guess I just liked the idea. The infomercial sold me. Does anyone use their Snuggie?
Facebook 50 - I guess I've kinda blogged about Facebook a lot - including "
Some simple Facebook rules" which I still want to enforce.
Ludington 24 - Ludington is a magical place in northern Michigan where my family has been vacationing since I was a kid. Between the lighthouses, the quaint downtown, and the beautiful landscape, I can hardly think of a place I like more.
TV 29 - kinda surprised I've only talked about TV 29 times on here, not gonna lie. I watch more tv than that.
Books 133 - yeaaaahhhhh, I read
wayyy more than I watch tv (not true). I do like reading though. In fact, in third grade I was one of three winners in a reading competition. Our reward was to go to McDonalds for lunch with our teacher. Pretty much one of the best days of my life, hands down.
Music 53 - I love music. Mostly rock, but some rockabilly (no idea what that is, actually, just wanted to say rockabilly). I like a little of everything. I just put together an awesome playlist for hooping. In case you were wondering what the best hooping song is, it's Groove is in the Heart.
NPR 19 - I've talked about NPR 19 times on my blog? I have no idea what I said about it. I do listen to it a lot though, until I get bored or mad. Then I take a few days off and go back for more.
Christmas 56, Halloween 54 - I love holidays so much. I love the scariness of Halloween, the crisp Michigan weather, the pumpkins, etc. I love the cinnamon-yness of Christmas, the family time, the cookies, the religious meaning, etc. Holidays are the best.
Nieces and nephews 85 - yep, I love them all a ton.
Greenfield Village 12 - a super fun historical village adjacent to the Henry Ford museum. As most of you know, one of my favorite things to do in the summer is go to olde timey baseball games at Greenfield Village, where they follow 1860's rules, wear spats, follow strict rules of no swearing or spitting, and tip their hats to the train whenever it goes by. It makes me feel like Anne of Green Gables, if she'd gone to a baseball game with Gil. (Sigh. Gil!)
Sarah and me with some of the players
(we both have a crush on the one on the right.) |
So there you have it. Some of my favorite topics for the past 1,000 posts. Thanks so much for your comments, your readership, your support, your friendship, and your spam (can't leave anyone out). No but really, blogging has been a huge blessing in my life and a big part of that is because it connects me with fun and interesting people, helping me get to know you better and even introducing me to some really great people I wouldn't have otherwise known.
I hope you'll stick around for the next 1,000. I promise I'll try to blog less about the Brady Bunch (I'll