3) "It's interesting."
Sunday, February 28, 2010
"It's interesting"
3) "It's interesting."
Friday, February 26, 2010
I told this to my coworker Ann because we had been discussing the whole Seaworld killing and she said she'd prefer an office cat. I told her that we really couldn't have both so we compromised on a killer cat.
Later I found this image and thought it was hilarious. I think I'm exhausted or something because really, under normal circumstances, I don't think I would find this funny at all. I think I might even be annoyed by it.
I think one thing is obvious: I need sleep. Not to be cliche, but thank goodness it's Friday.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
One Item
The problem with choosing is that I go back and forth between something noble, like scriptures, and something practical, like chapstick (which I'm addicted to) or Vaseline (which I use as a chapstick/lotion/cure for cuts and burns).
I looked up the rules. The show provides: contact solution, lady products (was that vague enough for the guys?), insect repellent, sunscreen and necessary medications. They do not provide toothpaste, tooth brushes, razors, or any other grooming supplies. Nasty.
So, what'll it be? If you could bring one noble item (picture of a loved one, religious item, etc) and one luxury item, what would the luxury item be? What's the thing you can't live without?
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Wednesday Thoughts
It's not that I don't love America or supporting America's Olympians (especially the over 30 crowd), it's just that I miss a couple of my shows that are being preempted for the Olympics. I'm going through Thursday night must-see-tv withdrawals. (It would be so easy to backspace over that last sentence - and I know I probably should - but I can't keep secrets from you.)
You would think I'd be able to survive two weeks without my shows, wouldn't you? But they're winter weeks, which are so much longer than summer weeks.
Don't mind me, I've just been cooped up inside for three months. Last week it got really nice and sunny, then this week we had a ton of snow dumped on is. The good news is I got another snow day on Monday. The bad news is, my hope for an early spring was dashed.
Ok, time to move on to happier thoughts - thoughts that have nothing to do with me watching tv or being tired of winter. Here's something that might make you laugh. My friend Vaughn sent me this picture yesterday - it's a bumper sticker he saw that reminded him of me:
Thought you'd enjoy that. If that's your car, fess up. I won't judge you, I promise. I can't deny that that song is catchy. It's just better if I don't listen too closely or watch the video (so disturbing).
One last thing. See that "follow" button over there? Think you could click on it? I would love to know who's out there! I will return the favor.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
And now for the ladies
We like shopping. Even if it's just a new pair of socks or a book. I think we're hard wired to shop. I had a friend who shopped all the time when she was stressed. When her brother asked her why, she said, "it's cheaper than therapy." I'm not sure if it actually was cheaper, but I accept her logic.
We like Jane Austin. Even someone with a heart of stone (like myself) just can't resist Captain Wentworth or Mr. Darcy. {Sigh.} What can I say? We're suckers for Victorian "will they ever really get together?" stories. (Spoiler alert: they do.)
We like it when you notice we got our hair done. Not noticing is not a major crime. But noticing will get you major brownie points!
We like babies. I can't apologize for this. I love babies - those little toes and tiny fingers! So for the ladies, here's a trailer for the upcoming movie "Babies" which I really know nothing about. I just know that I suffered a serious case of cuteness overload when I first saw this trailer, and I bet you will too.
I hope it goes without saying that we like much deeper things as well, such as higher education, charity, and successful careers. But those just aren't as entertaining to blog about, so please don't be offended that I left them out.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Wednesday Thoughts
Have you guys been watching the Olympics at all? One of my favorite things about watching the Olympics is finding out that some of the Olympians are older than me. I find myself thinking, "Wow, she's 35? I still have time to learn how to ski and become an Olympian!" I've been practicing the pose I'll use on my Wheaties box cover. Here's a little sample of what's to come.
In other Wednesday Thoughts, yesterday on my way to work I heard a commercial on the radio for a special deal a plastic surgeon is offering. It's a two for one deal where you can choose from any of the following: nose job, eyes, breast augmentation, tummy tuck, or liposuction. It was the strangest two for one deal I've ever heard. But it made me wonder, do the eyes and breasts count as one or two?
So, a guy friend recently told me that he reads my blog but never comments. When I asked him why, he said something about how it's written from such a "feminine perspective" that he just has nothing to say. So I have decided to take a break from writing about menstrual cycles, panty hose, and lipstick and dedicate a post just to the guys who read my blog. Expect it later this week. I have a few ideas, but if any of you have any ideas what guys want to read about, let me know.
So ladies, now that it's just you and me, let's talk about girl stuff. So who do you like? Tell me all about him.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Let's move on to a new holiday, hopefully one that will make you less angry. Happy Fat Tuesday? I'm not calling you fat, that's the name of the day.
I better just quit while I'm ahead.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
The Ball
But truly, this is a problem for single people and I think lots of times relationships end prematurely because both people think the other person has the ball in their court and when it's never acted on, both feel rejected and move on.
Here are some scenarios. If you have any insights as to who's court the ball is in, I'd love to hear them.
1) The guy says, "we should get together sometime" but then doesn't follow up with an actual date.
Is it the girl's responsibility to follow up on that? Or is he just suggesting it to see if she'll agree so he can ask her out at a later date?
2) The man asks a woman on a date, she accepts, they go out once.
Should she ask him out next? Or should she wait for him to ask her out again?
3) You're at that beginning phase of something with that special person - you're not really sure if they like you or not, but there's been flirting on both sides. You e-mail them and they don't e-mail you back.
Are they not into you? Personally, I've been guilty of forgetting to e-mail a person back even if I liked their e-mail and like them. But at the same time, it's easy to think, "I guess they don't like me anymore" when this happens. What do you do?
4) Your friend tells you that that guy/girl thinks you're really great. That guy/girl knows that you know that they said that (did you follow that?). You think they're pretty sweet too.
Do you take that as a cue to ask them out? Do they expect you to since they know you know that they know that you know?(Kidding, I was trying to confuse you that time.)
Ok, now that I've posed these questions, it's time for you to comment. Seriously. The ball is in your court.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Single Awareness Day
Now that I have the disclaimer out of the way, let's move on.
As I have previously said, I like Valentine's Day. To me it's more about love in general than being in a relationship. But I've heard many friends call it "single awareness day" and I have to agree that as a single person Valentine's day sort of puts a capital S on single.
In honor of Single Awareness day, I thought I'd make a list of things that are not fun to do alone. I hope I don't sound bitter in this post (because I'm not) and I promise to end on a happy note. So without further ado, here's my list of things that stink to do alone!
Going to the movies - I did this once. I saw Harry Potter alone. All my friends had already seen it and I thought I was strong enough to go alone. I hated it. If you have ever done this successfully you'll have to let me know your secret. I knew a woman once who went to a movie alone and even though the theater was practically empty, a weird man came and sat in the seat right next to her. Not cool creepy guy, not cool.
Going out to eat - I actually do this from time to time and don't really mind it but I have several single friends who hate doing this and I guess I understand why.
Going on vacation - I've heard of people doing this but I don't know how it's done. Do you hang out with people you meet while on vacation, or do you just spend all your time alone? I don't get it and I don't like the sounds of it.
Staying in and watching a movie - Some things are just better done with a significant other, let's face it. I have two Snuggies and it's not right that one of them is available to be wadded up and used as a pillow while I'm wearing the other one.
Playing board games/cards/uno (I find it ironic that a game called Uno can't be played alone but that's neither here nor there) - I played Monopoly by myself once and still lost. I swear I can't win that game to save my life.
Going to weddings/receptions/parties - I hate going to weddings by myself but at the same time I don't want to ask a date because I'm afraid he'll think I'm trying to give him some kind of subliminal message "marry me.... you want to marry me..." simply because I invited him to a wedding. Well, that and that fact that I sometimes whisper that on wedding dates. It hasn't worked yet but it will. Oh, it will.
Buy yourself a heart shaped box of chocolates and eat them all
Am I missing any? (On either list?)
P.S. Thank you anonymous commenter, for the flowers. They are beautiful.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Wednesday Thoughts
I went to a doctor on Monday and at the end of the appointment he said, "You're relatively young and in good health...." Was it really necessary to say "relatively"? I can't even remember what he said after that and it may have been important.
In other news, this week my office has been abuzz with snow day fever. The speculation for a snow day today started on Monday. At that point, I still wasn't sure if I wanted it or not (crazy as that sounds) as evidenced by this conversation I had with my co-worker, Ann:
Me: Well, it would be nice but then we'd have so much work to do on Thursday to catch up!
Ann (suspiciously): It sort of sounds like you don't want a snow day. It almost sounds like you're a .... work lover.
Me: Take it back!!
Yesterday as the snow was falling the words "snow day" were on everyone's lips. I was taken over by it too. Ann was getting progressively tense, thinking that by talking about it so much, we were jinxing it. Here is another conversation we had at one point in the day:
Me: So Ann, are you feeling snow day hope yet?
Ann: Yeah, but I've already gone through all the stages and now I'm angry that we're going to have to come in.
When you hear about the possibility of a snow day, it's impossible to get the idea out of your head no matter how hard you try. You know it's dangerous to get your hopes up but you can't shake the idea. You try not to think about how late you'll be able to sleep in, or all the time you'll be able to spend watching the Golden Girls and eating Lucky Charms while working on your FarmVille farm, but it's too late. You've got Snow Day Fever. (SDF) Some people though, like Ann, quickly cycle through the stages in an attempt to not get their hopes up. I think the stages go something like this:
Hope - it's totally going to happen! Snow day!
Fear - what if it doesn't happen? You're setting yourself up for disappointment.
Denial - there's no way we'll get enough snow.
Hope - but we might.
Anger - it'll never happen! Get it out of your head!!
Resignation: if it doesn't happen, I will survive.
Hope - it might happen.
Anger - stop thinking like that. You'll only get hurt.
Hope - I can't help it.
Some people rest on anger just for safety. Especially if they've been hurt by SDF before.
But it happened, we got a snow day today! Here I am at 10:00am lounging in bed, writing in my blog. Try not to hate me too much.
And lastly, in Wednesday thoughts, the votes are in for a possible hair change and it looks like numbers one and three are the winners. Any last opinions? My hair appointment is in a week and a half and I still haven't decided what to do.
Happy Wednesday!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
He thinks you're cute
I remember an episode of Full House (I'm not ashamed) where something like this happened. Here's what I remember of the conversation between Kimmy Gibbler and DJ.
Kimmy: What do you think if Tom Smansky?
DJ: He's ok.
Kimmy: Well, Kathy Santoni told me that he likes you!
DJ: TOM SMANSKY!? He's a fox!!
Kimmy: I thought you said he was just 'ok.'
DJ: That was before I knew he liked me!
Truer words have never been spoken, DJ.
Does this work for guys? If a guy finds out that a woman thinks he's hot, is he more interested in her? Here's a test for the guys. Pretend your friend is talking to you:
Hey! Guess what? Elizabeth told me that she thinks you are really hot. She even mentioned that it looked like you'd been working out. She doesn't even care that you're losing your hair. And yeah, she digs your mustache.
Did it work? Do I appeal to you more now? On second thought, don't answer that.
I'm not sure why that happens but I know I like it. And I have something to tell you. You know that guy or girl you work with or is in your class? They told me they think you're cute.
And the winner is...
Thank you all SO much for participating. I think I'll do another giveaway sometime - it was more fun than I expected. Please don't be too T.O.ed if you didn't win. There's always next time and just know this: I love you all.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Story Time
Friday, February 5, 2010
Valentine's Day Giveaway
So here's my idea - I would love to send (or give, if you live nearby) one of you a Valentine's Day card and candy. The card will be handmade and personalized, and the candy will be a candy of your choice. This could go to a guy or a woman! (Of course when it comes to dating, I'm interested in men but this giveaway isn't about dating, it's just about spreading the love on Valentine's Day!)
If you are interested in winning, tell me a couple things you love in honor of Valentine's Day! They can be silly or serious. And please include your favorite kind of candy. You have till Sunday night at 10:00, EST. I will announce the winner that night.
If you want to re-gift the candy to your significant other, you can tell me their favorite kind of candy. I'll never know. Maybe I'll even personalize the card for them if you ask nicely although I'm not writing a sappy poem so don't push your luck.
I hope to get the package in the mail to the winner by Tuesday. I hope this interests some of you! Who couldn't use some love on Valentine's Day?
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Wednesday Thoughts
Happy Wednesday.
P.S. Happy birthday, Mom!