The bored crush
"I'm not really into him but it's nice to have someone to look forward to seeing."
In a pinch, this guy'll do. Until someone else comes along. This is usually a guy you already know, who you now see in a new light. Why have I never noticed him before?, you wonder. Two weeks later you forget you had a crush on him.
The temporary crush
"I get a contact high when I'm around him but the next day the feelings are gone."
This guy's ok but he doesn't interest you enough for you to really have a crush on him. The day you see him, you feel all giggly but the next day when someone mentions him, you say, "who?"
The "wrong" crush
"He is so wrong for me, but I can't help myself."
This guy either has issues or he dated your friend. Either way, you shouldn't like him. But you can't help yourself.
The bad self esteem crush
"I thought I was cute before but now I think I'm fat."
The bad self esteem crush
"I thought I was cute before but now I think I'm fat."
This guy makes you question your self esteem. Either he's super hot, he flirts with your friends, or he's really successful and popular. Either way, you don't feel very good about yourself with this guy, but there's just something about him... This crush is the worst.
The nerd crush
"He's such a big nerd but there's something about him..."
Whether he's ugly or nerdy, this crush doesn't make any sense to your friends. But you know there's more to him than meets the eye.
The marriage crush
"I just met him but I think he's 'the one.'"
All you can think about with this guy is how cute your kids will be and how happy you'll be when you're married. These crushes last through about 2 conversations.
The happy crush
The happy crush
"Thinking about him just makes my day happy."
I love these crushes. I wish I had more of them.
What are some of your favorite crushes?
What are some of your favorite crushes?