Before I read it, I saw an amazing movie based on the book called Bride and Prejudice. This was the Bollywood version of the book, and since I saw the movie before I read the book, I pictured the charactors as Indian when I read it. I think it made the book even better.
After reading the book, my friend Juan Miguel* insisted I watch the BBC movie based on the book. Never one to turn down a Colin Firth movie, I agreed. Compared to the Bollywood version, it was a bit dry but still enjoyable. It was a little hard to wrap my mind around a new Elizabeth since I had been picturing her like this:

But now there's a new Elizabeth Bennet on the block, and this one is undead. Have you heard about this? Someone re-wrote Pride and Prejudice but changed it so it's about zombies. Here's a link to an article about it. If you click on the link to hear the interview, you get to hear an excerpt from the book (be warned, it's kind of nasty).
I know that some of you who read my blog are major P & P fans. What do you think? Or if you don't like/don't want to read the original P & P, will you read the zombie version?
*Name has been changed to protect identity.