The joys of facebook! So many of my conversations come back to facebook these days. Facebook is both good and evil. It's good in the sense that it makes staying in touch and sharing pictures a lot easier. It's bad in that you often find out too much...Or not enough. I blame the newsfeed. Do I really have to know that one of my friends removed "Bon Jovi" from his list of favorite music? That just confuses me. (Why would someone do that?) Or what about when a casual acquaintance on my friend list changes their status to:
"Samantha isn't sure."
"Tom might go for it."
Isn't sure about what? Might go for what? Should I write on their walls and ask them? Or should I let it go? I guess if it's something major, I'll find out in the newsfeed eventually.
One of the weird things about facebook is that you find out about stuff much faster than you normally would. And more often you find stuff out that you might never have known. Like the ups and downs of your friend's relationships. Or you find out that you weren't invited to something that some of your friends were invited to. Like I said, both good and evil.
The following are some conversations I have heard or been a part of. I have changed the names and events to protect the identities. You might be able to relate to some of these.
Alice: Did you hear about Sam and Annie?
Jasper: No, what about them?
Alice: They're dating.
Jasper: Really? Who told you that?
Alice: I read it on the facebook newsfeed.
Four months later...
Jasper: Hey, too bad about Sam and Annie, huh?
Alice: What do you mean?
Jasper: I saw on facebook that they changed their relationship status to "it's complicated" and Annie's facebook status is, "Annie is really sad."
Alice: Poor girl.
Jasper: Yeah. Maybe I'll send her some flair to cheer her up.
Alice: I'm sure she'd like that.
Another conversation I have heard, and possibly been a part of:
Sabrina: Were you invited to Max's party?
Valerie: What party?
Sabrina: I saw on the newsfeed today that "15 of my friends are attending Max's End of Summer Blowout Bash."
Valerie: What!? I can't believe Max didn't invite me!
Sabrina: I know!! I think I'm going to unfriend him.
Valerie: Good call. Me too. That'll teach him.
A couple weeks later...
Max: Are Valerie and Sabrina mad at me?
Conan: I don't know. Why?
Max: I thought I was friends with them on facebook, but today I saw them on the "people you may know" list. I wonder if they unfriended me.
Conan: Did you do something to them?
Max: Not that I know of. I wonder why they didn't come to my party?
One more:
Kelly: I met this cute guy at the party the other night and I friend requested him!
Beyonce: Oh yeah? Did he accept?
Kelly: Yeah, he did. I was thinking about writing a message on his wall, but I'm not sure.
Beyonce: Why not?
Kelly: I don't want it to show up in our mutual friend's newsfeed.
Beyonce: Yeah, that newsfeed is too much. Maybe you should just invite him to play Scramble or Scrabulous. You guys can bond that way.
Kelly: Great idea!
There you have it. I hope some of you can relate to these conversations. I know some of you can, because a few of you readers were a part of these very convos! There's only one name I didn't change, but I'll let you guess which it was. (If you guessed Beyonce, you're right!)