Monday, June 30, 2008
When bad things happen to good people

Sunday, June 29, 2008
Dreams denied

I called a bunch of friends and we all decided to meet an hour before the performance to get a good seat. The weather report said that it might rain, but the skies looked clear so we were pretty optimistic. When we got there, we saw the huge inflatable cone and got some excellent seats right near it. We laid out our blankets, got drinks, and settled in for what we assumed was going to be the kind of night dreams are made of. Then came the news: the show was canceled because a storm was coming in. What?! Again!? Admittedly, the group would be attaching themselves to what was essentially a lightening rod for their performance but still.
Everyone looked at me and said, "so what's the rain plan?" Um...rain plan? I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say that what ensued can only be described as chaos. If you've ever hung out with a large group and had to debate what you should do next, you'll understand. We finally settled on seeing a movie. Sounds easy enough, right?
Once we got to the theater, the chaos and confusion continued. (It was actually pretty comical.) Here's a sample of the conversation:
"So what time does the movie start?"
"It started ten minutes ago."
"So what are we waiting for?"
"So&so isn't here yet ("So&so" shall remain nameless just in case she stumbles upon my blog)
"Well, when's the next showing?"
"In an hour."
"Should we see a different movie?"
"What's showing?"
"I've already seen that!"
"Let's move to a different line!"
"Wait, should we buy tickets?"
"Why did we move to a different line?"
"Has anyone talked to so&so? Where is she?"
Even though things ended well, I'm still mad at The Dream Engine (I wrote that name with a very sarcastic tone. Not sure if you caught that.) I guess I just wasn't meant to see acrobats attached to a giant inflatable cone. Sigh.
Friday, June 27, 2008
I'm ready for my close up!
The buzz around Saline for the past month or so is that Drew Barrymore is directing a film in the Saline area about roller derby girls called "Whip It" and, bonus: she's looking for extras. At work, Justin and Kathy and I have been talking about this a lot lately. Justin's comments were at first focused on making fun of the location: "Saline!? Why Saline?!" Whereas Kathy and I, who live in Saline, have been dreaming about our film debut. We looked up pictures of roller derby girls to get some idea of how we need to look be considered for the film, and found this:

red fishnets - check
sunglasses - check
hardcore hair cut - check
bad attitude - check
Looks like all I need is the actual gear. I used to have roller skates but I don't think they'll fit me anymore, considering I haven't worn them in about twenty years. I think it will be pretty easy to get back to my old level of skill (which was level "awesome").
Ok, I have to be honest....the more I look at the pictures, the more nervous I get. After all, I bruise easily and these girls look really tough.
Can I pull this off? Maybe I should give Drew a call and find out more about my important role as an extra and how much contact I'd have to have with women like the one pictured above. Ellen Page is in the movie though and I'm definitely tougher than her. Well, tougher than her when she was pregnant in Juno anyway. I should probably start working out though, just in case.
Needless to say, I've changed my tune about acting. How can I pass up this opportunity? My game plan is to wander the streets of Saline for the next month until I'm "discovered." I just hope they don't cast me as Ellen's mom or something. But I guess I can't be picky, after all, I'm just starting my career as a Hollywood actress, and you have to start somewhere!
See you on the red carpet!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

(Here are the rules: How to play the game of Tag: Post these rules on your blog. Answer these 15 questions about yourself on your blog. List 3 Joys, 3 Fears, 3 Goals, 3 Current Obsessions/Collections and 3 Random/Surprising facts. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.)
3 joys
a really good book
being with people I love
3 fears
haunted houses (real or fake)
other stuff I'm not going to say because I'm afraid you'll use it against me.
3 goals
to bring back, "if you love it so much, why don't you marry it?!" to the 20-30something crowd.
to be Britney Spears' life coach and single-handedly turn her life around.
try to stop saying "ipso facto" so much. Or maybe try to say it more. I'm not sure which way I want to go with that.
3 current obsessions/collections
I don't have any collections (except my velvet Elvis wall hangings, but everyone collects those so it's not really noteworthy). So, obsessions...
my blog
my fan club
being the coolest person in the world (almost there!!)
3 random/surprising facts
I wear glasses at work
I am in the witness relocation program....oops, I wasn't supposed to say that (I recognize that that is such a stupid joke but I feel compelled to leave it here).
I won every event at the Olympics last year. Or whenever the last Olympics were.
(One of these random facts is true! And it's not the one you think!)
The end. If I must tag someone, I will tag Katherine! (I'm supposed to tag five people, but I really don't feel like it.)
Monday, June 23, 2008
Technologically challenged

Once I figured out how to work the thing (for the most part), I started to really enjoy it. I mean, if I like a song, I don't have to buy the whole album - I can just download it, listen to it one hundred times and get sick of it! At a much faster rate than before. But I have a question about the ipod, and it's kind of embarrassing. The earpieces say "L" and "R" on them. Do I really have to match those up with the corresponding ears? They look like they're the exact same shape! They don't seem to be molded at all to fit to the ear they correspond to. But now I'm nervous - what if I put the L in my R ear!? Not only might they not fit right, but maybe I'm cross contaminating? Maybe my left ear is diseased and I'll pass that on to my up-till-now healthy right ear.
I dunno, maybe I should just find my old walkman. Those earpieces were so simple (until the padding came off). I recently looked through an old box of tapes I have saved that I have no way of listening to (until I find that walkman). And let me tell you, it would be a shame to never listen to them again! I had some awesome tapes. Well, tape singles. Millie Vanilli, Vanilla Ice, and Richard Marx, to name a few.
Well, if I can't find my walkman, I guess I could just upload some of those classics from itunes. I think I'll just play it safe and make sure I put the L earpiece in my L ear. I'm not taking any chances.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
The magic of summer

Cuteness overload

Thursday, June 19, 2008
Thanks, anyway!

Tonight I ran into Abram at a meeting and thanked him again for the cake and told him it was delicious. To which he said, "I know! I was so mad when Kristin gave it to you! I was like, 'Are you serious!? We need that cake!'"
When I got home, I saw there was one piece left so I ate it. It was gooooooooood. Guess you'll never know just how good it was, Abram! Thanks Kristin! (Now I know who it was really from!)
These pretzels are making me thirsty

- What are you doing with your life?
- Why aren't you married yet?
- How did you get to be so ridiculously good looking?
- What's your favorite episode of Seinfeld?
My sister Katherine and I have an ongoing conversation about this. We've both seen every episode of the show at least three times - lines from the show flow in and out of our dialogue with ease. They need no explanation - we know exactly what the other means when they say, "these pretzels are making me thirsty" or "I hear thee." Boy...this sounds pathetic now that I see it typed out. Moving on...
We decided that it's impossible to choose one favorite and apparently we take this very seriously, so we came up with our top three. Certain episodes move in and out of the top three, but in case you were wondering, we agree (for now) that our top favorites are:
- The frogger (so many great scenes in this one, including the one where Elaine eats the antique cake she finds in Peterman's mini-fridge)
- The little Jerry (the one where Kramer buys a chicken that turns out to be a rooster. He names it Little Jerry and enters it in cock fights. This episode also has the "I hear thee" line. It's a classic.)
- The chicken roaster (Kramer and Jerry switch apartments and start acting like each other)
Now you know. I'm sure you were wondering, and I'm glad I could answer your unspoken question.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Yesterday was my friend Sarah's birthday and we had made plans to go out to dinner to celebrate. But when she found out Barack Obama was going to be in town she e-mailed me to ask me if I'd be up for going to see him instead! I was excited but hadn't forgotten what happened the last time and had some doubts that we'd be able to get in. My mind was put at ease a little bit when she assured me that Bon Jovi would not be there. We drove downtown and hopped on the People Mover to get to Joe Louis Arena. When we pulled up to the station at Joe Louis (two and half hours before the rally started), we couldn't believe the crowd we saw. Everyone on the People Mover gasped and muttered, "oh no." The line was loooong and dense. But once we got in the line, we actually had an ok time. The people around us were nice and fun, and we got some awesome buttons.
A little over an hour after getting in line, we entered Joe Louis and once through the metal detectors and security, we were home free! That's when the excitement began.
After skirting all around the aisles at Joe Louis, we were able to get decent seats. A little before the speakers came out, volunteers started handing out signs, including ones that were hand made and I think were supposed to look like they had been brought by people attending (we were specifically told we were not allowed to bring signs). Sarah was outraged by how staged the signs were. Here's a great pic. of her being outraged.
The first person to come out on stage was none other than Chauncey Billups! The crowd went wild. He only spoke very briefly, and mostly just introduced the woman who sang the national anthem (who did an amazing job by the way, partially due to the woman behind me who kept encouraging her, I think. "You got it! Hit it girl!"). Then Jennifer Granholm spoke. She did a decent job. But I will say one thing that I did not like about her speech. She was wearing what looked to be a banana clip. I don't know... it kind of looked like she's trying to grow her hair out and is in that awkward stage, but still. A banana clip? We were sitting to the side of her, so we could see that banana clip and it was pretty distracting.
Moving on, we wondered if Kwame would have the nerve to show up, but we heard that he was not invited. I'm not sure if that's true or not, but after what happened at the Red Wings parade, I would not be surprised! Another person said he decided not to come on his own. Either way, I think it's a good thing he wasn't there.
After her speech, Granholm introduced Barack Obama and.....Al Gore! Everyone went totally wild when they came out. We had no idea Al Gore was going to be there. It was quite a surprise. He gave a great speech (love the accent!) then introduced Obama. The rest of the rally was really fun. Obama is a very dynamic speaker with a lot of great ideas! I'm not sure how he plans to carry out all of his ideas, but I hope he can.
I don't want to give the impression that I'm madly in love with everything Obama says or does. I mean, I'm registered as "independent" after all, so I think that legally I have to keep an open mind up till election day. But I did like what I heard and we had a great time. And most importantly, Sarah said she had a great birthday.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
The art of seduction

Anyway, tonight she told me that she'd been thinking about me. She saw an opera last weekend (I forget what the name of it was); I guess a lot of the opera was about women snaring men with their tricks and seduction. Michiko told me that I need to learn how to seduce and that I'm too quiet (she clarified that I should learn how to seduce in a PG sort of way, nothing bad ;)). Even Katherine told me that she's noticed when I talk to guys that my body language isn't very inviting. So, since I want to blame the fact that I'm single on anything other than imperfections on my part, I think I'm going to work on this. Single guys: you've been warned.
Fortune cookie update

On a different note, today is Father's Day! I just have to take a second to say that I have a really great dad! He's always been a wonderful example to us and is a great person. We all love him very much.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Friday the 13th

Isn't something bad supposed to happen on Friday the thirteenth? So far all I've experienced has been good fortune. Today at lunch, a few of us ordered Chinese take out. Inside my fortune cookie were two fortunes! Bonus. And they were both awesome:
"Remember three months from this date. Good things are in store for you." (September 13th) &
"Tomorrow your friend or partner will tell you some exciting news."
Well, I don't have a partner, so I'm hoping a friend will tell me some exciting news. It better be exciting having to do with me though. And good exciting, not bad exciting. Yeah, I know - I'm being very demanding. Justin told me he got that first one almost three months ago and next Friday (he thinks) is the three month mark. I'll wait and see what happens to him before I get my hopes up too much. I have never found my fortunes to come true though so I'm not holding my breath (not to sound pessimistic)! I have two taped up to my computer from this past year:
"A routine trip turns into an enchanting escapade" (never happened) &
"You will be showered with good luck before your next birthday" (I think I got this one last year, and it also didn't happen).
My favorite fortune of all time is: "Sell your ideas, they are totally acceptable." I got that one twice last year! I haven't tried selling my ideas yet though. I have to get on that.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
I think I like it

"I love me,
I think I'm grand.
When I'm with me,
I hold my hand."
I'm kidding, I'm really not that vain. It just sounds that way. And looks that way. ;)
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
4 * 8 * 15 * 16 * 23 * 42

1) Who is Richard? What organization is he part of? And why is he so good looking?
2) What is the smoke monster? And why hasn't it been nominated for an Emmy yet?
3) Where is the island (at the end of season 4)!?!?!? And what's up with time on the island in general!?
4) Where does Widmore play into everything?
5) Who/what is Dharma?
6) Why are the bad guys so hot!? (Sawyer, Keamy RIP Keamy....I'm still not over that.)
7) Who is Jacob? And when did Christian Shepherd start working for him? And for that matter, Claire!? Is Claire deceased?
8) Also, it's not that important (or is it?) but what's up with the Black Rock? How did it get where it is? And is it significant?
9) The numbers....where do I even begin with that...
10) Why did Widmore fake the discovery of flight 815 in the ocean!?
I think I'll leave it at those for now. Let me know if I forgot any.

Monday, June 9, 2008
June, slow down!!
Tonight we had a big pool party at my aunt and uncle's house. We had a blast, even when Malissa did a canon ball about one foot away from me in what I can only assume was an attempt to drown me. Sorry Malissa, you tried and failed! We also grilled hotdogs, had watermelon and watched James swim back and forth across the pool (this is a new thing for him this year). So today was a good summer day. On a slightly different note, one of my favorite parts of summer is the fireflies and I still haven't seen one! Have any of you?
Sunday, June 8, 2008
If I were a Golden Girl, I would be Rose

Daily Affirmations

Friday, June 6, 2008
Summer Reading

I've always loved mystery books but I feel like they're guilty pleasures that I squeeze in between more serious books. Maybe serious isn't the right word, but you know what I mean. (The exception to that rule is any book by Agatha Christie who I love and never feel guilty about reading!) Anyway, last summer I was at huge garage sale with Katherine, thumbing through a box of books when I saw a Murder, She Wrote book. I remembered having seen that show a couple times as a kid and thought that it might be a fun book to bring to the beach, plus it was only 25 cents. I started looking through the books more and saw that there were seven M, SW books. At first I thought, I'll just buy one. Maybe two. Or three. But then after I paid for those, I thought what the heck and bought all seven, thinking they'd just be fillers on my book shelf. Well, once I started reading them, I couldn't stop. When the seventh Harry Potter book came out, I didn't want to put down the M, SW book I was reading to read Harry Potter. (Did you see what I just wrote!?) Finally I decided to read HP and M, SW simultaneously, but M, SW won out and I ended up resenting HP for slowing down the process of finding out whodunit in the M, SW book. Needless to say, that was the best buck-seventy-five I spent that summer.
The big problem however, was that occasionally friends or casual acquaintances would ask, "read anything good lately?" I'd freeze and think, "should I tell them about the less embarrassing book I finished before starting on the M, SW series? or should I admit what I'm reading?" I'm about to face the same dilemma. I was at the library book sale last weekend and found another M, SW book: Manhattans and Murder. I glanced at the back and it said that Jessica (Fletcher, of course) has an appointment to go on the Larry King Live show to promote her new book and then has to (spoiler alert) solve the mystery of the murder of a sidewalk Santa. This book is an obvious classic.
Anyway, I'm reading Jane Eyre right now and just finished Wuthering Heights before that, so I think I have a right to go a little lighter for the next one, right? I'd be open to any other recommendations for summer reading! Just try not to judge me for the first one on my list.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008