Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Wednesday Thoughts
James: "If I were you, I'd stop talking."
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Quick Update
It's been a fun trip so far. This picture is of my nephew responding to something my sister Katherine was saying. He had probably just gotten done accusing me of cheating at Battleship. If I cheated, how come I lost!?
By the way, for those of you who were interested, I did end up getting an iPhone. I feel really clunky using it - like Stanley in the Office when he was trying to get used to his new phone. My thumbs seem too big for this thing (and my thumbs are not big)! But I'm getting used to it. The guy at the store said that Apple offers classes on how to use it. I feel like if you need to take a class to figure out how to use your phone, it might be too complicated. Next thing you know colleges are going to start offering classes on it, then degrees. It's too much. But I bought it anyway. And so far I'm really liking it. Thanks for feedback and ideas you all gave me on my other post.
Anyway, I'll be back with some Wednesday Thoughts tomorrow. Meanwhile, I'll just be here getting more and more freckly and sunburnt by the minute.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Wednesday Thoughts
In other thoughts, I was walking through a big parking lot today on my way to my hair appointment. In the parking lot, in between rows of cars there was a small island with a skinny, medium height tree. Underneath it a man was smoking a cigar. This struck me as very strange. The businesses surrounding that part of the parking lot are Chuck-E-Cheese, MC Sports, my hair salon, a gym, and a Christian book store. Which one of these did he leave to smoke a cigar and why did he choose the parking lot island to smoke it on? And why a cigar? And why in the middle of the afternoon?
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Youthful rantings

For example, I call someone a "brainiac" at least twice a week. And I "rickroll" Ann so often she probably doesn't trust any link I send her.
And I really don't hate technology, I just get a little overwhelmed by it. I also don't like that fact that 12 year old's understand much of it better than I do.
This week my real stress is coming from the fact that I need a new phone. My phone is completely possessed by a poltergeist or something. It's deleting pictures, replacing them with others, and not charging. It's been having charging issues for about nine months but has really gone downhill this week. The fact that it's been bad for nine months shows you how much I hate dealing with this stuff. So if you have a phone you could recommend, I'm in the market. (I'm leaning towards getting an iPhone. More details about the kind of phone I'm looking for in the comments section.)
From now on I'm going to try not to sound so old in this blog. So with that in mind... have you guys seen the new Jonas Brothers Camp Rock movie? (Am I trying too hard now? And did I go too far in the other direction?)
Sunday, July 18, 2010
CDs versus cassette tapes

And you know what's worse? It's never going to end. Something new is coming. And it will probably be really small. And we won't plug it into a player, we'll plug it directly into our head somehow. Not our ears, our brain. We won't need speakers - using our brainwaves we'll send the music out of our heads and into the atmosphere. I know you think I'm making this up, but the technology is out there.*
Friday, July 16, 2010
Looking back

It was weird to look back on entries I haven't read in years (or at least year, singular). I'm not going to say it wasn't somewhat painful at times. In my attempts to never be too negative and to not reveal too much, I have at times focused on some pretty silly stuff in this blog. It is what it is though, and the posts made me laugh at the time.
Plus, lest I think it's all fluff, remember the post I wrote about cupcakes in April? Well, tonight I was on NPR's website and on the main page saw an article about the cupcake trend. So there you have it. If it's good enough for NPR, it's good enough for me. Plus, my post was better. (And I'm more humble, obviously.) But that's enough looking back for now. See you in 50 years, previous posts!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
I love you?

(Don't be feeling too sorry for any guy here, by the way, as his statements of love aren't overly genuine. This is all in good fun.)
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Wednesday Thoughts
In other thoughts, I had some amazing gazpacho a couple weeks ago and I have been craving it ever since. It was like eating a bowl of summer - all the ingredients were so fresh! I've been trying to find a good recipe for it since then but can't decide on one. Do any of you either:
1) have a good recipe for gazpacho, or
2) trust a certain recipe website that you could recommend?
I'm excited to make some. I've only made it once before and it was so long ago I don't remember how to do it. It should be an adventure.
There is one thing I make every summer that symbolizes summer to me: zucchini bread. I love zucchini bread and I associate it with the hottest days of summer. What is your summer specialty?
And lastly, I've started labeling (tagging) my posts as you'll see on the lower left side. It's going to take me a long time to go through and tag all of them but it's been kind of fun to go back. Dang, I blogged a lot about the swine flu last year, didn't I? The funny thing is, just this past weekend I was with a group of friends and someone said, "what ever happened to the swine flu?" I'm not sure if he was waxing nostalgic or if he was just wondering.
Oh great, I just realized that by talking about it again, I'm going to have to label this post as being about the swine flu. Hopefully this will be the last time.
Happy Wednesday, friends.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
How hungry would you have to be....

If a sandwich in a can isn't gross enough for you, the pb&j ones have a piece of candy in them! How does that happen? You're just drinking your sandwich when suddenly a Runt falls into your mouth? Or is it gum? I don't want to chew gum while I'm drinking my sandwich.
Chris doesn't think it's an actual drink but if that's the case, how does one "eat" it? I'm confused. Is it eaten with a spoon? Maybe it's best not to know. His email ended with, "All I know is, someone has finally made good on the promise of gourmet on-the-go food that has been waiting to be fulfilled since the appearance of Go-Gurts."
I can only think of one group who this would appeal to: people with their jaws wired shut. Would any other (sane) person regularly consume this? Would you? Not since Willy Wonka's three course meal in a piece of gum has a food seemed less like a food.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Dunder Mifflin

Yeah, that's right. John C. Reilly. Just look at that guy. He would be hilarious, don't you think? His imdb profile describes him as having "a homely mug, lumbering gait, and unruly mop of curly hair." I can't believe he let them keep that up there, but I guess it hasn't hurt his career any. But anyway, if you don't like John C. Reilly for The Office, here are some other picks:
Michael Cera - He'd be funny for about one episode. It would get old after that, but one episode with him would be hilarious.
James Franco - I'd watch the show no matter how unfunny it got if James Franco was on it.
Brett Michaels - Just kidding.
The Rock - Ok, now I'm just looking for a way to get my celebrity crushes on The Office (well, him and James Franco - I do not have a crush on either Brett Michaels or Michael Cera, for the record.)
So, Office fans, what do you think? John C. Reilly? Dwight? Who should be the new Office boss, or should they just cancel it? And by the way, no one from NBC will ever see this blog post so don't get your hopes up when you cast your vote. Sorry to disappoint you.
This mosaic is made up of pictures of Michigan I've taken in the last few years. Click on it to see the pictures a bit bigger.

I'm feeling love for Michigan these days because it's hot out and it's road trip season. My heart freezes and thaws with the seasons, so ask me in January how I feel about Michigan and you will get a completely different response.
What are some of your favorite things about where you live?
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Wednesday Thoughts
Ok, moving on. How was your 4th of July? Mine was fabulous. I went out of my way to try to be patriotic over the weekend. To start, I ate the most deliciously patriotic ice cream sundae ever. But if that's not patriotic enough, I wore the flag that came in the sundae in my hair on Sunday night while watching fireworks. Oh, and I bought an apple pie (which I did not end up eating, but that's neither here nor there). Top that.

I also got a very nice deep sunburn which I was going to post a picture of but won't. I showed Justin the picture yesterday, which is of the area just below my shoulder - showing the whiteness of where my bathing suit strap was and the redness around it. I asked him if the picture was appropriate to post and his expression told me it was not. Then his words confirmed what his expression told me. So no shoulder shot for you. I won't scandalize you like I did Justin, who by the way will no longer make eye contact with me. (I'm exaggerating, of course. He's over it - I'm the one who hasn't moved on.)
Anyway, I had a great weekend. I swam in the waves (one wave was so tough it yanked my pony tail holder, which was triple wrapped, right out of my hair!), I walked along the beach, I hiked the trails, floated down the river, watched fireworks on the beach, tested different kinds of smores, and bonded with friends. I hope you all had a wonderful 4th as well. I'd love to hear about it!
Happy Wednesday.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Some simple Facebook requests

1. Please don't tag me in ugly pictures. I know you look cute in that picture, but I don't. Crop yourself out or just don't post it. I'm trying to get married here and that hideous picture is not helping things.
2. Don't write a cryptic status update that makes me worry about you but doesn't give me any details about what's actually happening. For example:
- "Robin Smith just can't take it anymore!! And is about to lose it!! And it's been nice knowing you!"
- "Carry Allen is really going to miss him."
- "Tom Miller's life has just changed forever. And not in a good way."
3. If you're a cute guy and I have a crush on you, update your Facebook page more often please. I'm trying to Facebook stalk you and I need updates.
4. If you're a close friend, please don't let me hear major news about you in your status update before you tell me in person. If you're engaged, pregnant, or dying, please call me before you update your status. All I want to hear about in your status update is how your day is going, what you're eating, and when you're going on vacation so I can rob you.
5. If you are super political and think everyone who disagrees with you is an idiot, please don't write about it on FB all the time. Is that really any way to talk to your "friends"? (Or maybe FB friends are different than normal friends?)
6. Don't say you're in a complicated relationship unless you're joking. That's so dang embarrassing for the rest of us to read. Plus, it makes us super curious which is just not fair. If you're going to post that, the least you could do is elaborate.
7. If you're my friends and you did something really fun that you didn't invite me to, don't post pictures of it that will show up in my news feed. (Haha!)
8. If you were injured and it's really bloody and disgusting, please don't post a picture of it. I beg of you.
Ok, I think that's all I have for now. What are some of your requests?