Well, the toffee poll has ended and the results are in: toffee rules, Justin drools. Although I have to admit, I'm surprised
four people said they don't like it! Who else hates toffee? Confess! (Sarah, I know you fessed up, but who are the other two?) I accused Justin of going to the library to vote against toffee on separate computers, but he assures me it wasn't him.
Proof that things seem funnier at night: as I was falling asleep last night, I was

thinking about the song
The Final Countdown and it occurred to me how funny it is that everyone always sings along with the synthesizer part in that song. I thought, "I have to put that in my blog! That is too funny!!" Then this morning when I remembered it I realized it's not that funny. But here it is the blog. Go figure.
Confession (this one's a doozy): I have been listening to a lot of
Pandora at work lately and I've found that when the occasional Hannah Montana song comes on, I often (brace yourself) kind of (ready for it?) like it (the song, that is). I can't help it! Her songs are peppy! Although I'm not sure who I like better, Hannah Montana or Miley Cyrus.
But I am proud to admit that I always flip past the Jonas Brothers songs. I'm sorry -I appreciate the amount of time they take to both curl and flat iron their hair, but their songs do nothing for me. At this point you might be wondering what station I've been listening to on Pandora. Keep wondering.
I sometimes wonder if I should write about the more serious parts of my life in my blog. I mean, I have plenty of other things I could discuss with you - I read a lot, I'm a news addict, I have problems, etc... But if you read my blog and don't know me well (or at all?) you might think that my whole life revolves around goofing around with my co-workers and obsessing about Snuggies, when in reality those things only make up about 97% of my life. (PS, I think my Snuggie will arrive today!)
I feel a little exposed now that I told you about Hannah Montana. Just know this: I really do like a lot of cool, well respected music. I'm just foolishly willing to put a few of my guilty pleasures on my blog. I hope we can still be friends. And I promise I only like a couple of her songs. Three at the
absolute most. Maybe four.