5 Snacks that I enjoy:
1. Muddy Buddies, aka Puppy Chow (chocolate/peanut butter/powdered sugar/etc... covered Chex cereal)
2. Crispy bread with spreadable cheese
3. Fresh fruit
4. Tortilla chips and salsa
5. Veggies and dip
5 Things I would do if I were a millionaire:
1. Pay off my student loans
2. Give some money to the fam.
3. Travel
4. Buy a house
5. Become a snob
5 Deepest darkest secrets
1. Yeah right!
5 Pet Peeves
1. When my lotion pump gets guck on it and the lotion sprays out everywhere
2. When someone pulls out in front of me on the road, making me slam on my brakes even when there's no one behind me and they totally could've gone after me (I'm getting worked up just thinking about it!).
3. People who constantly reference inside jokes around people who weren't there. Sad.
4. Getting phone calls during Lost or the Office
5. Manipulative people
5 Favorite things
1. Spending time with good friends and/or family
2. Good conversation
3. Meeting new people
4. A new favorite song
5. A good book
5 Fears
1. Human cloning
2. Flying monkeys
3. Heights
4. Sharks
5. The E. Hognose snake
So there you go - do you feel like you know me better now? I hope so. I'd love to get to know you better too! So I tag any one of you who feels like doing this. You can use the same "top five" lists that I used, or make up some of your own.
*I hope you all know that that first paragraph was laced with sarcasm. I mean, I'd love it if I was one of your favorite people, or even in your fave five! But it's cool if I'm not. You can still read my blog.